Triple Crown Senior vs. Senior Gold

Revisiting this thread, as one of my horses did not finish his breakfast or dinner today! No fever, drinking and pooping normally, eating hay as usual. I’m wondering if all of the sudden he has decided he’s not a fan of the gold…?

For those that have experienced pickiness with gold, did it happen all of a sudden or were they picky about it from the start?

My guy was picky at the start, then he decided it was ok. Then I got another bag and then he said nope. Ugh. Won’t even eat a small amount of it either. I dunno, tastes pretty good to me (yeh, I tried it :grinning:).


So that’s going to be your breakfast for the next 4 or 5 months? :sweat_smile:


Lol well I have been grabbing handfuls when I get home from work and I’m starving. I’m like screw it he’s not gonna eat it…


My feed store is phasing out Purina Senior soon. They carry Triple Crown and will bring up a bag for me to try. One of my horses has to have his meals as a mash due to an episode of choke.

Could those that feed the TC Senior wet, please share their experience?


I’ve fed TC Senior and Gold Senior to both of my horses, one a choker. Ranging from slightly damp to soaked for hours in the fridge. Touch wood, I’ve not had any chokes on TC products.


With choke? no experience here

With it soaking to a mash? It soaks down very well. You’ll have to play with the amount of water, as the temp of the water to start, and the ambient temp, both play a role. I can use X amount of tap-hot water in January as I do of ground-temp water (out of the barn spigot) in June, and the Jan feed would be nice and squishy still by the time it was being finished off, but the June feed would be pasty. So, the hotter it is outside, the more water I have to use to keep it squishy/soupy by the end.

Of course, how much there is makes a difference too. I was feeding 5lb/meal in those scenarios, so it just took longer to eat it all.

Essentially, if you can’t be there as the food’s being eaten to see if it’s drying out and getting pasty, then yes, soaking for a few hours in a climate controlled situation where you can ensure the as-fed product isn’t soup (if the horse hates that) and isn’t paste, may be what’s needed.

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Thank you, JB. I appreciate the feed back!

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Also revisiting this - my dude decided he doesn’t love the TC Senior Gold as much as regular senior (makes sense - less molasses). Anyone have ideas for a dry (powder/pellet) top dressing I can add to the ziploc bags? Whenever I see he is taking his time on his grain when I get to the barn, I add water, oil and carrots and that does the trick. However, I can’t do it daily.

Fenugreek makes mine gobble anything down!


Thanks for the rec!

You can get ground fenugreek in bulk on Amazon.

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Update: still doesn’t like the feed as much as regular TC senior, but I like the ingredient list on gold (esp. since it supposedly has the same gastric buffering seaweed thing that Outlast does) and the extra calories. Unfortunately no feed stores can carry it near me, and the one within a reasonable driving distance sells it for $50 when they special order it for me (which, no). Back to the drawing board.

My TB didn’t like TCS or TCS Gold. I wanted them to work - low NSC, good nutrition, gastric buffering. Problem is those things are irrelevant if the horse won’t eat them.

We landed on Purina Ultium and he’s thriving. Higher NSC than I wanted at 17%, but it’s very high calorie and the Outlast in it is good for gastric support as well. He went from barely maintaining on 14lbs of Seminole Dynasport when I bought him to 4-6lbs of Ultium (varies a bit based on season and workload).

Just a suggestion for another widely available feed that has worked well for me when TCS didn’t.


I will look into this - it’s really been a nightmare getting TCS gold. Even the “gold products sold here” stores (on TC website) are like “huh???” or totally unhelpful when I ask them to check it out/order it. Thank you :pray:

@HoovesLikeFlapjacks if you call Triple Crown, they should be able to help you with the availability in stores they say carry it. Unfortunately you can’t just rely on feed store reps/workers to know what they can and can’t do. I even had my local Southern States tell me they couldn’t order the TC Rice Bran because “we need a pallet”. Not true - ANY TC product in any quantity can be added to the next shipment as long as the entire shipment equals 1+ pallets.

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I will do that - thanks!

Also, I looked up Purina Ultium vs. TC Sr Gold and I may have to add Vit E. in with Purina. And I noticed it doesn’t appear to have a pre/probiotic? Idk if that even matters/people notice a difference without it.

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you’d probably need to add some E with either one, depending on how many pounds you end up feeding. TC does provide 200 IU/lb, and you should feed at least 5lb, preferably 6lb, to the average horse. But 1/2 that E is synthetic, so even 6lb is just kind of in the minimum range for an average horse.

I can’t find evidence of biotics in the Ultium either, going by the ingredients listed on the MadBarn site. That wouldn’t bother me for a healthy horse.

TC products do have hind gut support that Purina doesn’t have, if that’s a concern.

I don’t know enough about hindgut issues to estimate if switching will make a difference.

Wait a second, we are all talking about Purina Ultium Gastric Care right? Because I see both Competition and Gastric Care and based on the names, I wouldn’t wanna be feeding my 17y/o OTTB in light work ‘competition’ feed. If we are all talking about the gastric care version, no feed stores within a 50 mi. radius from me carry that either. #$%%&*$&!!!