So sorry that happened.
When I gave up riding, it was because I nearly came off a bombproof rental horse when he did a slight jig on the trail. I was way too tense to be on a horse after having been dumped repeatedly by a horse I’d owned and sold. That eventually led to me taking up driving.
The funny thing is I thought I’d be fearful the first time I drove after being hit by the car, seven years later. Nope, not a bit! The big difference to me is that my falls off that horse I’d owned in '99 were due to my own lack of balance and inability to compensate for it. Getting blown out of the cart due to being hit by the car was not my fault, not my pony’s fault, and therefore was just a freak accident, not something that was likely to happen again, especially not driving in an arena.
I know you are a trouper and will have no problem getting back on at your next lesson. I hope all the aches go away quickly, and certainly don’t get worse.