Two "mules" sold at auctions turn out to be Pzewalski's horses!

Fortunately the two buyers recognized the animals for what they are

How did two of these critically endangered horses end up at two separate livestock auctions?!

There are only about 100 Pzewalski’s Horses in the United States, and only about 2,500 worldwide. Here’s hoping these two foundlings end up in a conservation herd ASAP.

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There’s already a thread about this. Unfortunately the search isn’t finding it for me.

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found it!!


Thank you! I did look before I started this thread, but missed that post. It’s a fascinating story. And upsetting, to think that two extremely valuable mares from an endangered species may have been sent to slaughter!

Can’t access the article.

I used a link that was supposed to allow the article to be shared, but I guess the Washington Post paywall has other ideas. Sorry! You’re not missing much; the earlier comment thread in this forum was more informative.

I did find this unlocked article, which is more interesting: