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Ugh..Black Widows under the water trough!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by breezymeadow:
Breezymeadow - who is a complete & total ARACHNOPHOBIC, has spiders in her barn the size of BUICKS!!!


God, you just reminded me of one I saw in my feed room. I swear it was the size of a mouse and it was hairy. I saw that thing crawl out from behind the feet tub and LEFT immediately. When I got my husband out there to see it and get rid of it, it was gone. He thinks I exagerate but you and I know it’s true!

The difference between commitment and involvement is like a ham and egg sandwich…the chicken was involved but the pig was committed!

Breezymeadow checks the ceiling of the room - as she does every room - for creepy-crawlies before beginning to type. . . .

Arnika - Although the logical part of my brain (if I have one) knows all these good things about spiders, it does not keep me from getting downright nauseous at the sight of them. In addition, I have a number of friends & relatives who claim that a spider in the house means “good luck and money”, none of which I have seen so far. And from the size of the spiders I’ve seen lately, I should be damn lucky & damn rich by now!!! These guys aren’t catching bugs, they’re probably catching birds, cats, small dogs, & children.

Daydream Believer - I have never even watched “Arachnophobia”. The spiders were just too realistically sized for me to stomach. And I have absolutely NO plans to watch the new creature feature you mentioned. The only spider flicks I have been able to view without leaving the room are the black-&-white golden oldies where the spider is the size of a skyscraper & obviously nothing more than a poor special effect.

My body is a temple - unfortunately, it’s a “fixer- upper”.

or did anyone else not have the nerve to open those last two links posted?

I really don’t want to know what they look like…

Breezymeadow, get a pressure washer, empty out the barn on a warm, non-humid day, and blast those suckers down! Thats what my barn does! I have found that the only way for me to kill spiders is to make them immobile by spraying them with Windex, then smashing them to bits. I did find a teeny black jumping spider in my car a few days ago, he was rather cute, so I let him live!

I have chills and goosebumps from reading all this! I’m not too bad with spiders, but anything poisonous scares the life out of me!! I’m very suspicious of the water troughs now, and not quite as enthusiastic about jump-crewing, either!

Please, please tell me that those nasty widows and recluse spiders are not in Kentucky!!

“Got no excuses for the things that we’ve done; we were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly young.” K.C.

I find them everytime I turn the troughs over…I’ve made it a habit to take a stick with me to squish all of them. They are always more, and I always keep squishing them…nasty alien creatures!!!

Here in Alberta, Canada, we have black widow spiders…

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with catsup.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emily A:
I think there are brown recluse spiders in the hay barn!! Anyone know what those look like?

We had a horse get bitten by one once… It was NOT a pretty picture. We think it was a brown recluse, anyway. The horse was a school horse and was responding to treatment, so they never acatually ran tests because they didn’t want to pay the money when the horse was getting better. Nasty nasty bite, it was like someone absessed part of its skin on the neck.

http://www.catchride.com <My Site
http://news.catchride.com <Scandal Sheet

When I lived in florida, I woke up one morning to find a wolf spider that was literally the size of a tarantula, in all seriousness, on my ceiling. I screamed.

A few months later, I woke up and found a cock roach on my ceiling. I sighed and went back to sleep. Florida .

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Janeway:
or did anyone else not have the nerve to open those last two links posted?

I really don’t want to know what they look like… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Sounds like you were really lucky! Was the bite painful? I’ve heard that recluse bites aren’t but the reaction to the bite is really bad. Thanks for sharing that with us arachnophobes!

Incidentally, we had to kill another black widow yesterday! It was a big momma with egg sacks and there was a little male with her. Thank heavens we got those two or I’d have even more around here soon!

The difference between commitment and involvement is like a ham and egg sandwich…the chicken was involved but the pig was committed!

I’m going to attempt to post another spider picture…this one is the brown recluse. It’s an ugly sucker too and look carefully at it’s head and you may see the violin marking. This isn’t the clearest picture unfortunately. …Shivering…

Same as last time…click on the little x box above the “brown recluse spider” if the picture doesn’t come up right way. I must be doing something wrong with these downloads.


I can just see you throwing that bale of hay! I had a good laugh imagining that. Sadly, I once found the remains of a fawn in a hay bale. It does pay to shake out those flakes before feeding them.

EventerAJ…I’m pretty sure you have these spiders in KY too. Sorry to break the bad news…

The difference between commitment and involvement is like a ham and egg sandwich…the chicken was involved but the pig was committed!

we get them around jumps here in Georgia!! eek!


“The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why study?”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BostonBanker:
All this winter, I will be repeating to myself “At least there aren’t deadly spiders in my tackbox…At least there aren’t deadly spiders in my tackbox…”<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ah yuh, nothing toxic to bite ya in Vuhmont, but DaydreamBeliever doesn’t have to dodge moose on the roads of NC.

They (black widows) have invaded our garage this summer, I have killed about 6 so far. Living in Fl all of my life I don’t react TOO badly when I come across one.

It usually goes something like:

Looking in show trunk for a decent show pad

Find one

Glance at the bottom of the trunk lid

  • Realize that I am staring at an unhappy momma black widow with a gross looking egg-sack that my hand is about an inch from*

Run away screaming

Come back half an hour later armed with a can of Raid (the stuff for roaches does kill them) and a pair of thick gardening gloves

Kill Spider

Repeat process the next day while looking for some other object housed by the garage


Brown Recluses (I have only seen a few thank goodness) usually induce chills and shrieks of “AHMYGADAHAHAH” which brings along some unsuspecting family member turned excutioner…

Common sense aint so common.

I just tuned in and I can’t believe this thread. I would have run away 500 miles if I ever saw a Black Widow or any of those other guys you are all talking about.

Thank goodness for winter frosts and snow. I remember looking for a cockroach picture in the Encyclopedia once, but it turned out it was a water bug. Still have never seen a real one.

I’m afraid the North isn’t exempt from big, yucky spiders. We have some that come out every spring in our basement. They can get to be as big as a half dollar with legs attached, and they are very flat, so they fit into crevices really well.

When I was young, I used to shriek and call Dad to kill the things quickly, but, since he died many years ago, I have had to deal with the things myself.

I’m with Snowbird, I can deal with most varmints, but these things give me major shivers, and I would much rather do without them.

"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daydream Believer:
Was the bite painful? I’ve heard that recluse bites aren’t but the reaction to the bite is really bad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Painful wasn’t the word. But I sorta was in shock, so I don’t remember it much. Just remember George Fitzgerald throwing me into a truck and telling somebody to put the horse away (he was in the middle of a shoeing job). Then doctors and stuff. I know I kept hearing how lucky I was.
Now when I see alfalfa from the southwest I run away.

hahaha we are really lucky, no black widows and brown thingies, just CORN! well we have spiders, of course, but not that kind. i think. i’ve never been bitten by a spider but they defnately creep me out!


AHHH the joys of Canada. Spiders are my biggest fear. I swear I have arachniphobia(sp?) If I see a large-ish spider, I practically cry!!

Guess what guys??? Schools out! Guess what guys, IM SO HAPPY!!!:slight_smile: