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Ulcers (maybe) after the ulcers have been "cured"

I’ve bought from nuts.com and bulk foods.com among others, 1 or 5lb bags. Nuts.com is the easier website ever to deal with despite its weird name it sells high quality everything

Thank you for the links! Sorry for a million questions. One more…

Do you feed 1/4 cup of each 2x per day? Or a 1/2 cup of each 1x per day?

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I feed approx 1/4 cup twice a day. It’s probably slightly less than half a cup total. If all goes well I’ll back off that slowly and see how he goes. I know it’s quite a bit to start but I’m being super careful

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Hi @Bella

I was just checking back in to see how the pectin and lechitin are working out for you. I’m still considering going this route as well, vs a pricy pre made supplement.

So far so good. I’ve had him weaned off the misoprostil for about a month now and on the lecithin /pectin and he’s doing well and performing really well- fingers crossed! I will say I am also careful with his diet to minimize anything that might be inflammatory; he is on minimal grain from Hygain so no GMO’s, omega 3 oil and some alfalfa daily

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So, let me update here, took the horse back checked eyes they were fine. And at my insistence checked for Lymes and EPM and he had both. Treated for them both-the EPM was low totes but the vet thought I should treat. His spooking seems to have gone away
BUT he crow hopped under saddle, the vet prescribed back meds-I don’t think his back was actually sore, I think the saddle was poking him. The back meds made his ulcers flare up and he acted like a lunatic at a lesson-to the point where the instructor declined to get on. I did and he jumped like 12 feet forward so I got off. Have him ulcer meds and got another trainer to take him out on hound exercise and he was his usual self.
Y’all, what a summer. I have been off on vacation for a week and a half, if he’s good today and tomorrow I’m gonna try to take him cubbing. Cross everything for me!!! I did find a buddy for him who will arrive next week.