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Unexpected soon-to-be corgi owner!

Thank you all for the advice and input! Little miss Sadie is settling right in like she’s been here forever… I’m totally blown away by how smart and (generally) well-mannered she is… She tested some boundaries in the first week or so, but she has been quickly coming to an understanding about house rules. She and my resident dog are now complete BFFs, they happily share the couch and play together all day long. She has definitely brought cheer to the cottage this Christmas!!


I miss seeing little pronghorn antelope butts like this around the house!

Glad she’s working out so well!

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We adopted a Corgi also found as a stray in Amish puppy mill country. He was about a year old at the time as well. Like your Sadie by the end of the first week it was like he had always been with us. Awesome dog. Congratulations!




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Wants! :heart_eyes: