The horse continues to get worse. Cannot be touched anywhere now without aggressive biting. Refuses to lunge. Insanely mouthy (like chewed through a lunge line and crossties already). It’s so obvious the mouthiness is due to discomfort and chewing is a self soothing technique. He is back to wood chewing in turnout. My barn manager says he is just “not normal”. Anxious, irritable. I have done nothing but hang out with him the past week. When I tried to do some groundwork with him he completely refuses to lunge, otherwise I literally cannot keep the lunge/lead line out of his mouth.
He is exactly like last winter, but worse.
We stopped the gaba and robaxin as they made no difference/made him worse, tapering down on the dex to get off it. I just heard from the vet that he tests positive for EPM with the Pathogenes test, and was prescribed Orogin and Neuroquel. I have no experience with EPM but in this area, every horse would test positive with blood. Not convinced we found the issue but we will treat.
Picked someone else’s brain about this yesterday and she threw out the idea of foot pain acting up in the winter. I feel like his front feet look awful. Super underrun heels. When I asked my vet about pads for the fronts (like he has on the hinds) a month ago, she said not necessary and to be more patient. On x ray in October, the hinds were a lot worse NPA than the fronts.
We’ll see if he blocks to the RF foot on Wednesday. From there I am hoping to get a second/third/fourth opinion on his case. My thoughts are look more at the feet, further investigation of the neck (ultrasound?), further imaging of the first rib, more robust neuro exam, MIM (lower on the list since he’s so asymmetrical?) Vitamin e (normal levels in sept, on 2000iu/day now). Will probably scope, but even if ulcers are found I don’t think that is our issue. He was exactly like this last winter and scoped clean.
Farther down the list unfortunately is EDM but I might be catastrophizing. Is it possible grass pasture in the warmer months is neuroprotective and without it the symptoms return?
Edit: new symptoms today. Extremely spooky, flighty, explosive just trying to hand walk. Constantly staring off into the distance on high alert. Won’t focus on me or even look at me. Dangerous aggression from both ends with blanketing and being touched. Not grumpy like usual, no ear pinning even when trying to attack me. Determined unsafe to handle. Leaving him alone until Wednesday when vet comes. This is not my horse, and I am heartbroken and scared.