Update: musings on breaking Accepted Protocol. First time taking a horse in for surgery: what to expect?

You’re welcome! Glad you called. :blush:

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The random goodies and all of the candy and cookies during the holidays are much appreciated by the hospital staff, thank you!

  • Signed, former hospital staff that used Christmas cookies to stay awake on the night shift more than once :rofl:

I took real food…Mac n cheese, soup from Bob Evans, bagels and cream cheese, breakfast sandwiches from Bob Evans. The hospital didn’t have a cafeteria and parking was difficult for staff if they left. So, I ferried stuff in.:grinning:


Bless you. :raised_hands:

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Bless THEM! They took great care of him.


I got my TB back with a fancy blue ribbon bow on his halter :grin:
But this was from my vet’s private clinic.
At the teaching college, no frippery, but the techs are all wonderful & one of the attending vets remembered me when I came there with a friend more than 5yrs later :blush:
I remembered him because: young (to me :roll_eyes:), hot & Aussie :sunglasses:


Update: pony is finally at the hospital for surgery! We had an ice storm that forced cancellation and then life and repeated minor injuries put us on hold.

He had no shoes on and came up a bit lame on the intake jog, but my BO says he’s been sound in turnout. So that’s either hoof related or new :upside_down_face:. I’m getting lateral hoof views taken tomorrow before he goes in.

Jingles would be appreciated for a simple operation and easy recovery. The chips are pretty big, and there’s some joint damage they’ll try to clean up - all of it is old. Poor guy had it rough, from what I’m learning.


Aww, major jingles coming in.
Hope all works out for you both.

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Jingles headed your way. Keep us posted!

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Jingles for your boy for a successful surgery and quick healing!

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Big jingles! Keep us updated! :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks for the jingles!

Horse is up from surgery and so far doing well. They said they were able to remove all the chips (yay!) but that there was definitely a lot of cartilage damage. I’ll chat more with them about prognosis but it sounds like I’ll be doing a round of IRAP to start and likely some maintenance biologics forever. Which is fine - he’s a resale but also… I like the horse enough to keep him as a trail mount and 2’6" and under type. If needed.

Anyway. They’ll watch him overnight and he comes home tomorrow. Fingers crossed he loads up fine… I put him through the wringer and he’s been STRESSED at the hospital!


Yay, Good News.
What’s the sweetie’s name?

Jingles for a great recovery!

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Jingles and prayers he is doing okay!! Is this your younger chestnut?

Jingles from me, too🙏

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Thanks all!

Pony is at the rehab farm. This has already doubled what I was quoted and prepared to pay (yay horses), but hopefully it’ll give him the best chance at a full return to work! I’m wanting to do IRAP but I don’t know if it’s in the budget. I may settle for PRP.

Here’s hoping he keeps his brain in his head. Stall rest stresses EVERYONE out, including me!


Sending calm and healing vibes your way.


So… we just changed the bandages put on at the vet school…

I think he’s got a gnarly bandage bow.

This leg was clean and tight before 🥲

I legitimately feel like I cannot win with this horse right now. Feeling pretty down about everything. I’m almost $8k in for this (surgery and proactive fluids, two nights in the hospital), now a bandage bow and the kidney questions. Not including the extra vet trips for bloodwork and the rehab barn.



Oh no! :flushed:

Jesus H. Christ on a raft, you don’t deserve this @fivestrideline .