Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

For those interested, LK is posting in the “Court Date for Michael Barisone” thread in her amped up behavior. Wow.


That was GJ’s trauma, not logic. The worst thing in the world that can happen to a parent occurred, and then LK piled on. If it was me, I am sure that I could never let that go.


Really interesting. Thank you!

Eggshell Skull Rule

Doctrine that makes a defendant liable for the plaintiff’s unforeseeable and uncommon reactions to the defendant’s negligent or intentional tort. If the defendant commits a tort against the plaintiff without a complete defense, the defendant becomes liable for any injury that is magnified by the plaintiff’s peculiar characteristics.


And more so, they didn’t even take a report from MB about why he called 911. Apparently when he called, they showed up, but never even talked to him. Never made a report. The hung put with the perp and left.


Why LK went toxic so quickly. My guess is MBs housekeeper found needles, then MB hired a PI and subsequently found out a whole lot more of her and Rob, and wanted them out. Once that happened, she dropped her friendliness and thought she would find dirt on MB and ruin him, and his girlfriend. And refuse to leave. Thats my guess.


In each of the 4 911 calls made by Barisone, a police report was filed. In a couple cases, the filing said the cops talked to LK and RG before they talked to Barisone, but it is not claimed that the cops failed to talk with him. His claim is that the police reports do not contain all the information that he provided the police at the scene.

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Why is it so critical to you what I think? Does it make a huge difference if I think the sky is blue or green? As I’ve said to you more than once, Lauren herself eluded to her contacting SS and mentioning children in the earlier threads. Of course she also went on a mad thread sanitation spree several weeks ago, so who knows or cares? If it is important to the cases, I feel certain screen shots of her post(s) or a skilled attorney questioning a witness can drill down to the truth - if that is important knowing how CPS got involved.

Honestly I am shocked you aren’t having a hissy about the allegations that Rob approached two minors in a menacing and threatening way and the cops didn’t seem interested after they talked to the minors. Why didn’t they contact CPS? Another situation of poor police training by this department
But you keep on focusing on what I think is true :+1: cause my opinion certainly seems to carry some weight (sarcasm).


I have never heard it termed eggshell skull, only eggshell plaintiff. My torts professor* summarised it as: you take your plaintiff as you find her/him. I.e., you cannot expect more or better or different from your plaintiff; you get what you get.

*I mean, assuming I went to law school and am a lawyer which, I understand, is in doubt in one of these threads somewhere :roll_eyes: Deflect, deny, discredit ad nauseam. The Trump playbook in action. One grows weary.


I would compare it a little bit to finding the box from a pregnancy test in the trash. You might not know all the details, but you know it is for a very specific use.


The statement sounds a bit backwards to me. Once you realize that someone is an addict, why wouldn’t you want them out? Out of your house, out of your barn, out of your business, out of your life?


Ahhh logic!! So refreshing in a place where SOME have the expectation that people should not protest being abused or should just rollover to unstable behavior.


Why, thank you. Thank you very much.

I will add that as I am getting caught up in this thread after not looking at it all day, now I have that song stuck in my head from the line, Things that make you go, hmmm…


I just went over and caught up. I read the last 50 or so posts on that thread with an open mouth, LK certainly isn’t doing herself or or lawyers any favors with that A-level ranting. :grimacing:


Augh. Clearly I still have more catching up to do.


I am saying that he only accused her of having a drug addiction when he wanted her out. Very convenient. I have a hard time believing, if she was using drugs, that with the many months he was around her he only realized it or cared about it when he wanted her off the property. He may have had very good reasons to not want to work with her anymore or have her on the property, but you are supposed to do things within the law, not shoot at people.

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Someone really should read the old, closed threads. In order. Many points raised here were addressed, some by LLPR herself (but she later edited or erased things - much can still be gleaned by the responses).


I do not disagree that shooting at people is for sure not the way to deal with a rank boarder.

The other side of that coin is, when your barn owner/trainer says to you that the relationship is not working anymore, for whatever reason, even if the reason is stupid and you do not agree with it, it is time to leave and move on. Not dig in and make things miserable and insisting they use legal means to make you leave.


GL posted on DH some of the interactions she had with LK over some guy many years ago. It showed she was fully engaged in nasty back and forth. It was ugly on both sides, and of course bringing in the death of a child is unacceptable. However, when she was posting here LK did not engage with her. GJ however accused several people of being LK and her comments to them resulted in having her banned. She had support and sympathy here. I did not mention her by name as the person MB contacted as I think she should be left alone. But someone else then did. I will leave it at that.

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You make it sound so neat.
That it went from 1 to 2 instantly
When you are asked to leave a property, why wouldn’t you prepare to leave?
You post on your Facebook that the person asking you to leave makes you feel unsafe, you’re being bullied/threatened… why wouldn’t you accept offers of help to move/leave and move out sooner?

Maybe he didn’t know of the drug addiction until then.
Maybe it wasn’t a problem, until, you know, it became a problem.
Often when the shine wears off, when they know you know, they stop showing just their best side.
You start to see more cracks in the veneer they’ve been employing… as you notice those, they further drop the facade, and you find more out…


And when LK was questioned about this in some of those earlier threads she spouted off some nonsense about how other places were too far away (from what, exactly? She had already been asked to vacate the residence soo it’s not like she would be too far from home…) and she NEEDED a training facility. I remember this clearly because it irritated me to read that as her excuse for why she didn’t leave.