Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I totally agree.

Which I guess explains to me why I had not thought of this as a reason for the recordings. I fail horribly at middle school girl most of the time.

But it really is a good point and could very well be the reason for the recordings.


I donā€™t think the prime intent was to break them up romantically. That might have been considered a prime perk though as a punishment for MH daring to take the Olympic hopeful MB was training spot and ā€œbarn queenā€ role from LK.


I definitely think she was trying to take over the barn and set herself up to be The Queen. If she could get large amounts of her fatherā€™s cash funneled into the business and control over the barn, she would be firmly entrenched and Barisone (and anyone else on the property) would have no choice but to obey her every whim or face the possibility of removal from the business and farm.


I hope 20/20 is following this.

It makes Dowā€™s story so, so much more intriguing when the other relevant parties (LK, RG, Kaneraks parents/family, previous victims of her well documented hideous behavior, etcā€¦) are included.
Since all that is so easily dug up, it being buried in such a shallow hiding spot as the ā€œnever goes awayā€ Internet, Iā€™m sure it will be.


It seems to meā€¦.the big head scratcher as to ā€œwhat happened thereā€ is that the police report about the recording devices was filed 5 days later, which seems to be a bit of a deviance from the filings of the others,ā€¦.and done after the shooting. I just canā€™t believe that the shooting didnā€™t affect how that report was written.


I think that at the beginning of the filing, it said the redacted police reports would be included as exhibits. Those would be interesting.


Not really. Because of the criminal case they black out everything but basic info: name, address, that kind of thingā€¦

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I donā€™t understand the last two lines. Is that P filing a reply to P and D filing a reply to a D motion?

The standard order is person A files a complaint against B, B gets to respond, and then A gets to respond to the response to rebut any arguments B makes.


Were the recording devices actually ā€œsecretā€ or did everyone know about them?
As a boarder, wouldnā€™t LK be an ā€œinviteeā€ to ā€œcommunal spaceā€ on ā€œprivate propertyā€?

I see your point, but the secret/not secret, legal/illegal, and private/no expectation of privacy distinctions are a lot less obvious to me!

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They are not secret now. I do believe at the time they were installed the property owner (MB in this case) was not informed about them, so they were a secret then.

I am not a lawyer, do not play one on TV and have not stayed at a Holiday Inn - But I believe even being an invitee to the communal space does not give one a right to do as they please in that communal space and act as if that communal space is there own.

In other words, if you invite some casual friend over to your house that does not give them the right to install recording devices all over your house that they do not tell you about.


I think the police reports would be extremely interesting.

Redacted usually means the names are omitted.

LKā€™s description of the purpose of the recording devices (to collect evidence of fraud/crimes against her) and until recently that there were ā€œthingsā€ MB didnā€™t know about the shooting (video recording devices covering the exact location of the shooting installed the day before the shooting and after everyone else had moved into the barn) seem to imply that no one else knew about them. Also add in the claims of ā€œoverhearingā€ MB having conversations with his attorney and the texts describing private conversations. If they knew, do you think heā€™d park in front of the recording devices (admitted to as only being in/on her locker at the barn) to have these types of conversations?

Honestly, it seems LK set up the video cameras specifically to catch some altercation she thought she had hand craftedā€¦only it went sideways.


But being a boarder who contractually pays board in exchange for use of the barn facilities is not the same as ā€œinviting some causal friend over to your houseā€.

Iā€™m not actually disagreeing with you, just saying itā€™s not clear to me that various areas of the barn would qualify as areas with a ā€œreasonable expectation of privacyā€ if a number of people had boarding contracts giving them the right to use those areas.

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Police reports are public record, so name doesnā€™t matter, but there is already another court case with a stay in place so that discovery of crime related details wonā€™t be released and prejudice the criminal case testimony.


Are you referring to the civil case by LK being stayed pending the criminal trial?

I donā€™t see how Barisoneā€™s civil complaint against the police can proceed without the police reports.

Being a boarder or lodger doesnā€™t give you license to install cameras in areas where privacy is expected. The office of the barn manager or owner, for example. Outside of others stalls or tack closets. Bathrooms.

Nor does living in a dwelling give you permission to enter private rooms and photograph them (the kidsā€™ room or rooms), rifle someoneā€™s bathroom cabinet to ascertain if they were taking any prescription medication, etc.


It canā€™t. But it is the reason why the police report was so heavily redacted in the exhibit filed in this to not really show anything but MBs name and address and make it totally uninteresting to look at.

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I agree with you on the expectation of privacy for bathrooms, private living quarters, and the office of the barn manager.

I just think that barn aisles would not have an expectation of privacy, or that itā€™s unclear about an expectation of privacy.


So was it heavily redacted for the public filing but the judge and lawyers have access to the unredacted version?