Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

If this is normal procedure for this department, it is 10000% against national SOP for any law enforcement department.


No, I did note that it was LK or RG who called the inspectors out. If one reports unpermitted work, the building inspectors come out to investigate and if it’s an incorrect or false report, there are no sanctions. If the report is accurate, there are consequences.
It may be that Barisone was refusing to pay RG for unpermitted renovations that had been done, so RG or LK retaliated by reporting the lack of permits or non conforming work to the building department.

I imagine it might become a habit if the reports one has to write are largely inconsequential?


I agree that the motive would have been to harass.

RG being the unlicensed contractor, right? Pretty risky on his part I would think, but it doesn’t sound as though a lot of sound thinking was going on with these two. Seems they were just having fun and living life terrorizing others. Uh-huh.


According to the filings, it was not until Aug 5 that Barisone “asked them” to leave. Since they had been there more than 30 days, if he stuck to legal options, he could not force them to leave without first allowing them to leave after 30 days, and if they refused, going through the eviction process.

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Damn!!! As hot as it is, hell has frozen! YD agreed with me! Frame this for posterity!


I think that MB explicitly agreed to let them to live in the farmhouse without a written lease, and that while everybody was getting along well, there was an agreement that RG would be paid for renovations to one of the “living spaces”. I don’t know for a fact, but guess that RG was unlicensed, and the renovations were unpermitted, and possibly not up to code. Probably there was no written agreement on the renovations.

Once everything goes south, MB wants them out immediately, but they understand they have tenancy rights and refuse to move out immediately. The situation gets tenser and uglier, and MB calls 911 because 1) they’re in the barn past 9;00 pm and refuse to leave, and because 2) they refuse to sign a new contract. If Barisone had wanted them out of his house, barn, and training program, why is he demanding that they sign a new contract on Aug 4? RG or LK call the building department, perhaps because MB refused to pay what RG thought he was owed.

I agree with you that “sound thinking” on either side would have involved backing down and giving in to avoid conflict. Neither side did back down. Let’s not lose sight of the basic fact that, in hindsight, it was Barisone and Cox who had a gun, and it was LK and RG who nearly died.



How would you know? Where has this been stated? What are your sources?


The gun is said have belonged to Ruth Cox.


How does someone who “nearly died” make it to the house and barn the next day?


Maybe there were raccoons or skunks on the rural property that rummaged through the garbage, and “tenants” that didn’t clean up after the Varmits leaving it to others.

Caution: Speculation, but plausible as most people manage putting out their trash so it is not pilfered by critters and some people are above that
like some neighbors I know.


I do think this leads to a good tangent thing (question/topic). Are you (general you) the type that puts the trash ‘out’ all contained neatly in closed bags inside the outdoor trash can/hopper or are you the type who just tosses loose trash in the outdoor trash can/hopper?

This might be where the confusion is, people who do the neat and tidy closed in bags thing might not have ever imagined there are people who do the toss it loose in there thing.


Good point. It was “just” LK who nearly died.

For someone who likes to insist on their accuracy that was an interesting and rather large mistake! Literally!


What contract? Where did you see anything about MB wanting them to sign “a new contract”???

What he was saying, as captured on the 911 calls, is they wouldn’t sign (something). Who told you it was a contract? It could have been anything - a standard liability waiver most barns use, a grocery list, anything! Out of the blue after days of harassment and threats you think he wanted them to stay? I’d really like your source for this “contract” info.


Not only that, Eggbutt seems to have endorsed as fact my previous speculation that it was SS that called CPS. Personally, my current bet is that it was the police, but I don’t have the inside info from Barisone’s lawyers.

Contract or document; whatever he refers to in the Aug 4 call. LK also refers to his demanding they sign some sort of new agreement/document. But you don’t believe anything she says, do that’s not helpful.

Why ask her to sign a new liability waiver or grocery list on Aug 4 if he had tried to severe all relationships prior to Aug 4?

We have neatly closed bags and all that plastic waste bothers me. We don’t generate a lot of trash but my husband insists on the liners. I do my best and use the horse feed bags as often as possible instead. When I was growing up, it was trash in the can and tightly secured lids put out the morning of pick-up. They were early, but I was an earlier riser than the trash collectors.


Nor do I, simply reading ALL the Civil court filings where all the documents pertaining to CPS/SS are filed and are password accessible only.

As I said earlier, Lauren said in one of the early threads that she “may” have mentioned child abuse when talking with SS
something about a bikini top being untied by someone or something like that. I don’t have the time nor inclination to dig back through several thousand posts to find that one for you. Again, why are you fixated on SS/CPS? I can imagine IF anyone in the Barisone group called CPS, it would be to report Lauren and Rob’s terrorism (see amended lawsuit for details)!!!