Using a bike helmet for summer riding?

Is your Tipperary a newer mode Sportage? If its older the newer ones are a bit lighter/cooler. The Ovation helmets are also pretty cool, I did some hotter long rides in an Ovation.
If those don’t cut it, you might look into the cool medics gear and the Ice Fil clothing. I adore my Ice Fil tops.

I’m in Florida - hot and humid, lol. I just bought an Ovation Protégé. My Charles Owens Ayr8 was beastly hot, and it got really gross as the sweat seeped into the outer fabric causing it to either stay wet or dry crusty and white. UGH. When the Ovation arrived, I cleaned the CO and stuck it away w/ my show clothes. With the Ovation, I only sweat around the perimeter of the helmet; most of the top of my head is dry when I take the thing off.

By the way to previous poster: My friend has an older tipperary. When I put my new Ovation next to her Tipp, the shells are identical. Same pattern, same dents, same vents. Only difference is the name label and the little dial fitter that Ovation has added.


By the way to previous poster: My friend has an older tipperary. When I put my new Ovation next to her Tipp, the shells are identical. Same pattern, same dents, same vents. Only difference is the name label and the little dial fitter that Ovation has added.[/QUOTE]

The shell looks the same, but I think the old one was a bit heavier? I could be wrong.

So a company that has a vested interest in you buying their product over a competitors’s is the best place to go for information?[/QUOTE]

If you actually go to their web sites, they reference independent research studies. In medicine, we use research studies all the time no matter who sponsors them. When it comes to the heads and brains of my daughters, yes I will read the studies and make the best informed decision I can to protect them.

No need for snark. Really.

I know this got resurrected by what I suspect is a spammer (not clicking the links) but if you don’t want to trust manufacturer studies, just read the astm specifications. Bike helmets and riding helmets and skateboarding helmets are all designed to do different things. Best protection? Buy the helmet designed for the thing you are doing.

Failing that, at least read the specs so you are making an informed choice about the differences rather than just going by what you can see with the naked eye.