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UTI/Stones in male cat- long term outlook/things to do to help?

Great update! So happy!

Yea on the good follow up!

Are you feeding the regular or the moderate calorie dry food? I feed the moderate calorie and it helped my cats lose some weight.

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The vet had us get the moderate calorie dry food.

I’m so relieved this follow up was a positive news one! I love these 2 cats lol!

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After surgery my solid black lived to 18 on Purina’s FUS food.
Budget friendly and available in my supermarket

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What did they do for surgery? Remove part of the penis? Or just remove the stones?

I’m hoping we don’t get to that but it’s a potential we’re aware of!

Took the penis

What a relief for both you and Herman!

I believe it’s much more filling than other dry foods, mine eat much less than they did before they went on this. Ralph lost the extra weight he was carrying around and the others are maintaining healthy weights since they’ve been on the dry RC Urinary SO RX.

Any pictures of your cats?

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Herman at his follow up last week lol…


And Herman & Thymos


Gorgeous, share the ginger love!

I have 5 red cats.

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