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Very Vocal Cat

She will talk at night also. If her food isn’t “perfect” meaning isn’t positioned correctly on the plate, not the right temp.
I also have a house that I can separate the cat from my bedroom, and she has the entire other side of the house to yowl in, alone, while I sleep.

This cat has always been anxious and meowy, but now he’s even worse. I’ve thought about getting kittens but I don’t think he’s going to get along with them any better than my other 2 cats. The vet thinks this could be some dementia.

For an update: He’s now been on Prozac for a month. He is better, but still meows at night, but not as much. I watched several Jackson Galaxy videos on intense vocalizing and his recommendation was to not react whatsoever to the meowing, and while you might have a rough couple weeks, it should abate. He also recommends facilitating the Play-Catch-Eat-Clean-Sleep routine so the cat’s routine is fitting our routine. So I’ve turned off the free feed crunchies and he gets wet food AM and PM and then I play with him a bit in the evening and then put down his crunchies. Hopefully in another week or two I’ll have a cat that sleeps through the night!


Yes!!! This is the way.