Woodbern: I never thought we would be facing a President elect who did not win a majority vote either, or an election that has failed to produce a clear winner two days after the election was supposed to have ended. Never say never.

There are some very upset people here in Florida and many of them will not let this go, I have to say that I can’t blame them. If I was a nice little Jewish lady who had the opportunity to vote for a team that included Joseph Lieberman and then realized after the fact that I’d voted for Buchanan I’d start slinging matzo balls!

What a race it’s been! As I type, the Presidential votes are nearly tied, with only a few states left to decide. How about the mess up with the media’s Florida projection? They called back the early projection, due to “input” errors according to one network’s staff. This is one to remember!

Re Florida Ballot Law –

  1. If you want to read the actual text of the statute, go to the CNN web site.
  2. To summarize (ALWAYS a dangerous thing when parsing a statute), what is required is that a ballot “substantially” be in the specified form. The meaning of the word “substantially” would be one of the points of contention in any litigation over the Palm Beach ballot.
  3. The Palm Beach ballot appears to be inconsistent (whether or not “substantially” I express no opinion about here) with the statutory requirements in two respects: (a) the statute specifies that the box to indicate a vote is to be to the RIGHT of the candidate’s name (on the Palm Beach ballot, some were to the right and some were to the left) and (b) the statute shows candidates for a particular office listed in a single column (the Palm Beach ballot listed the candidates for President in two columns, allegedly so that the typeface could be made bigger).
  4. Florida election law would allow a court to overturn the Palm Beach vote if the court found that there was a substantial likelihood (again, I’m paraphrasing, and again, I emphasize that paraphrasing is very dangerous when construing these things) that a voting irregularity caused the will of the voters to be thwarted. In this case, it seems at least possible from the great number of people claiming they were confused that a court might reach such a conclusion. However, Florida legal precedent is fuzzy about the possible REMEDY if such is found to be the case. In my state, for example (Virginia), in certain circumstances the remedy if there are certain kinds of irregularities in a particular precinct has been to throw out all the votes from that precinct. Obviously this would not be what the persons in Palm Beach claiming to have been disenfranchised have in mind – they want a re-vote – but what kind of remedy a Florida court would impose in these circumstances I have no clue.

Re Nixon and Kennedy and Illinois in 1960 –
Erin, I do not doubt your mother’s perspective. However, the situation with respect to Illinois in the 1960 election is quite well known and has been studied extensively by historians and political scientists, not to mention partisans of the two major political parties. Like most things about which people care passionately, there are many different opinions about what happened and why. Few people seem to contest Erin’s mother’s assertion that voting irregularities occurred in Cook County in 1960 (althought there is quite a lot of disagreement about what those irregularities were and how extensive they were). As you may know, Nixon did not contest the Illinios results. Some people believe that was because he declined to do so for the good of the country. Others believe that he was about to do so when he was read the riot act by then-President Eisenhower, who insisted he not do so for the good of the country (some people believe that Eisenhower made various threats to Nixon to force him to acquiesce, some do not, and even those who think that Eisenhower threatened Nixon do not agree on the nature of any such threats). Still other people believe that Nixon did not challenge the Illinois vote because he knew that there had been substantial voting irregularities in southern Illinios, too, a Republican stronghold, and if he pushed an investigation into alleged unsavory Democratic practices in northern Illinois he risked exposing unsavory Republican practices in southern Illinois, and in any case the effects pretty much got cancelled out. Other people vehemently deny one or more or all of these scenarios. Where does truth lie? Who knows.

My humble take on Florida –
So far nothing is happening that shouldn’t be happening, except of course for the remarkably virulent and arrogant bombast from the two sides. All that is happened SUBSTANTIVELY so far, and all that would be involved if there are further recounts, by hand this time instead of just running the machines again (as has been the case over the past few days), AND (as is required by Florida law) everyone waits until the deadline for receiving absentee ballots (Nov. 17th), is totally consistent with Florida law AND with the simple idea of making as sure as possible how many votes each candidate ACTUALLY received. I see absolutely no problem with being patient for the sake of accuracy. All of that is a totally distinct process from that of challenging election procedures in litigation, in Palm Beach or elsewhere, about which I express no opinion at this time.

Hearsay Anecdote –
I work with an attorney whose elderly parents live in the disputed precinct in Palm Beach County. She reports that they have absolutely no doubt that the ballot was extremely confusing and that many many many people whom they know personally were so confused by it that they voted in error. They also say that the sample ballots distributed before the election did not look like the actual ballot, in that the sample ballot did not show that all the voting boxes for both pages of Presidential candidates would be in a single column down the middle between the two columns of candidates. I am not reporting this as fact, just as what some actual Palm Beach voters are saying to their daughter.

Horses –
I really like them and will limit my further remarks this week on this BB to matters concerning them. smile

Great to be able to vote freely!

So, heelsdown, any ideas on where you will move?

I think the whole thing should playout as it is currently - with the recounts being done - and the inclusion of the appropriate absentee ballots for the final tally in Florida.

Bush is the unoffical winner of Florida and while I think Gore has no reason to conceed he should be prepared to do so at midnight of next Friday. I don’t care if we are talking one vote difference. You must draw the line and that should be it.

Has anyone seen the multiple charges that votes where bought in Milwaukee (Wisconsin was won by Gore by just a few thousand) using cigaretts given to the homeless? Hmmm … I don’t see Jesse Jackson bitching about those votes.

From the way I understand it in Florida the law says that when the margin is so slim that a recount is mandatory, they have to do a recount for our Senatorial race too. They expect the margin to be extremely slim after the recount so from what I heard at lunch Florida will not confirm a winner till all the absentee ballots are accounted for.

You guys are taking this way too seriously for a Friday. Time to visit the Panty Line thread for a little thong talk.

After listening to CNN on the web all day, I think I have this straight.

The absentee ballots they’re waiting 10 days for are OVERSEAS absentee ballots. They have to be postmarked by election day. In 1996, there were about 2300 of them, and they were about 53 percent for Dole, who was the Republican candidate. I think the regular absentee ballots were due on election day, but I’m not sure about that. I think those have already been counted.

I was watching the Today show this morning, and Tom Brokaw commented on how the networks had awarded Florida to Gore, taken it back, etc. Apparently studies have analyzed voter turnout in western states, trying to figure out whether or not television affects it. According to the studies, it doesn’t have an effect.

The networks are in a tough spot… I know I was sitting there all night dying for results. We’re so used to instant news these days, that the concept of not knowing immediately is really frustrating!

I am new to these boards and I am sorry to say that my first post is not horsey related.
When it was mentioned that someone wanted land conservation over protecting unborn babies I got a little ticked off. If the killing of these unborn babies goes on, land conservation would be pointless because there wont be anyone there to see it or let alone take care of it!!
I am sorry about this but you hit a sensitive spot.
hopefully my next post will be horsey related!! I am really guit nice once you get to know me and I have one thing in common with all you guys…I LOVE horses

i think the liberal press called fla for gore early tp discourage Bush voter turnout in the midwest and western states.

OOh!! I’m sorry Erin- I stopped reading Bush/Gore after page 986, so I missed the abortion part!!

I truly am sorry and litterally seconds before was wondering how "legal’ this was as far as topics go. Sorry!! Consider it case closed.

One of the many things about this that is amazing to me is the idea that in this day of high technology, anyone is punching holes in a paper ballot to vote! IMHO, it is more than high time to have a standardized, modern way to vote – at least in national elections.

As far as the liberal media, FOX news is run by Roger Ailes, who no one would ever accuse of being liberal. I agree with those who said the early reporting is more about ratings and being first than anything else.

It’s hard to believe that anyone in the modern world would rather have a few people they’ve never heard of (the electoral college) elect their president, rather than the majority of the people.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
well obviosly NOT because the Palm Beachers who voted AND walked away from the voting booth didn’t notice they had made a mistake until someone TOLD them!!! They didn’t READ it?? An arrow pointing directly at the name of the person not a quarter of an inch away??? They couldn’t “handle” the voting themselves and now they want the country to stand still while they figure it all out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What they couldn’t “handle” were the intricacies of the ballots they were given. The act of voting should not be a test of motor skills.

That said, those 19,000 erroneous votes are a miniscule percentage of the total voting population of more than 100 million Americans. If the president was chosen by a majority vote of the people, that small percentage would probably not effect the final outcome of the election. But because of the electoral college, those 19,000 errors will have a significant effect on the election, causing ALL of Florida’s 25 electoral votes (4.6% of the total electoral college) to possibly vote against what the majority of Florida voters intended.

[This message has been edited by Bertie (edited 11-10-2000).]

Cactuskate, check my posts above about studies that have apparently shown voter turnout is NOT affected by media coverage.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cactuskate:
I want to know who decided that Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw and any of the other “NEWS STAFF” had the inside track to the results?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It’s not really an “inside track”… it’s exit polling. There’s one independent organization that does this for all the news media, and there are all these forumulas and models they use. Way above my head, but some of it is explained in the Post article I linked to above.

I think it’s up to the media to use restraint, but to “ban” them from doing anything? Doesn’t sound like freedom of the press to me.

In many cases, the election IS decided before Hawaii finishes voting. In the last election, I think they were able to declare Clinton the winner at some ridiculously early hour, because it was such a landslide.

BTW, the time difference from East Coast to Hawaii is 6 hours. Assuming polls there close at 7, that means a presidency could have been certain for several hours before the media would be allowed to mention it. I don’t think you could ever convince journalists to sit on news like that, especially when it has never been proven to have affected the outcome of an election.


A Florida “do-over” is the only answer. There are too many questions about it to let the vote stand, especially if the ballot design was illegal. This is not the country’s finest moment

I thought Kryswyn made an excellent point, regardless of the old function of the electoral college. It’s true that today’s presidential campaign goes (and cares) only where the electoral votes go. I suspect that changing the system wouldn’t bring them to Hawaii more often without some assistance (like a huge convention held down there which brought in even more people, not just the limited number of residents), but it is a shame how they ignore the small states if their not Super Tuesday ones.

Woodbern, some level of government is going to more-or less run your life, one way or another. The question is, who is more likely to do it better? (No, not and never flawlessly, or even terribly well–just BETTER than the alternative)? Who gets elected to local office and what are their qualifications? Maybe where you live that’s not an issue. But given where I lived, and have lived, it sure as heck is!

At least the sheer cost of living in DC as well as in one’s home state ensures to some extent that educated, more-or-less well rounded and worldly individuals will be making important decisions. Nothing can protect a populace from its bureaucrats, of course, but–and I’m sorry to speak coarsely, but I’m doing so to make a point–there’s just no way I’d sit quietly while a bunch of potentially ignorant, local hicks decided MY fate!

At least the potentially ignorant hick they may have elected to represent them in DC had to do a LITTLE bit more than send a few contracts this way or that to get elected.

Well, I went and voted this morning. As I stood in the voting booth, I took a moment to give thanks that I could do my own very small part in determining the fate of my country, without having to worry that that right would be taken away from me.

Please - go vote today. We live in a flawed country, but, it is still the best on earth. I, for one, want to make sure it stays that way.

Oh Erin, I’m sorry - I realize this has nothing to do with horses. Thanks for your patience.

One thing this proves is that our voting system is in dire need of revision. How can we accept the fact that mistakes will happen? Mistakes that resulted in 19,160 discarded votes in one county…mistakes evidenced by the recount in Florida thus far. Did mistakes like that happen all over the country? This is appalling!!! I can’t think of any other important issue where mistakes like this would be tolerated.

It should be EASY to vote. There should be no chance of confusion. And the count should be error free.

[This message has been edited by Bertie (edited 11-09-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bertie (edited 11-09-2000).]

Hear, hear Louise! Thanks for putting it into prospective. I was getting distressed on how personal and mean-spirited the Gore/Bush thread had become. We live in a great country no matter who wins!