I can’t decide if the fact that its this close indicates that we all are so close ideologically that its impossible to choose, or that there are two fully distinct sets of people in this country, and our next and only viable option will be to split up. (West America and East America)? North and SOuth America are already taken. What about Ame and Rica?

Mostly kidding, BTW.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:
I’m sure there are very good reasons for many of these things (the paper-hole-punching, time limits, etc.), but as someone said before, voting should be EASY. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Amen! Easy and electronic - using touch screens or an ATM style key entry. The voting machine could even have a “are you sure” query before you finally submit. Make sure too that geriatric fonts are part of the deal too.

[This message has been edited by Glimmerglass (edited 11-10-2000).]

Well what a mess this has become. Bush or Gore already!!! By the way Who the heck is Nader? Didn’t even know he was running until they showed him with 2% of the vote??? Isn’t there a better way to do this voting thing?

[This message has been edited by Smiles (edited 11-08-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DMK:
[B] No, I don’t think you are radical because you support and defend the Constitution, but I am troubled by what I perceive to be your attitude that I am somehow less intelligent, patriotic or competent, because I may not agree with your interpretation of the Constitution…

Darn… I believe I promised sarcasm and humor in my next post (this one)… I apologize…

[This message has been edited by DMK (edited 11-10-2000).][/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I don’t think you are incompetant or stupid. I AM saying that the constitution has served us well for 200 years and is no less than a brilliant document. If it isn’t broken, why do you want to fix it? You personally may be very bright and articulate but those that are doing the most squawking are not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer. Jessie Jackson?? Al Sharpton?? Someone more credible would make a stronger case.

Here’s the latest…

Pretty amazing…

Worthy- I certainly hope no one flames you Rape must be a terrible ordeal, and especially when the result is you alone, and pregnant.

I am very, very pro-life, and I think abortion is wrong. Sadly, I’m left without an answer to situations like yours. Carrying a child for nine months causes you to become very, very emotionally attached to it. I wouldn’t want that attachement to a rapists child. Its so, so hard tp see whats right and whats wrong in a situation like these.
Unfortunately, there are too many foolish, immoral, and ignorant women in our country that giving the option of abortion becomes a form of birth control. Its like saying to many- here, use this. No need to worry about the consequences of your actions. But then we leave the poor women who suffer through the trauma of rape hanging out to dry.

So many issues are just like that where there is something you just KNOW is wrong (or right, depending on your views and the issue) and yet someone gets so badly hurt on either side of the battle. Welcome to politics with morals!

Anyway, I do have to say thgat abortions are not going to cause our population to diminish any time soon. Every 5th (or so! ) woman would have to have one for our population to decrease enough that we would NOT need more land. I just can’t see abortions endangering the intent or purpose for land conservation. I’m pro-life, as I said…but we’re grasping at straws here, wouldnchya say?

Earthto? - you are right, I learned there were no carriers out after I posted, however, my secretary’s husband serves on some type of ship and they are over in the Middle East. Frankly as a Florida resident, I am embarrassed by this whole fiasco! I think the whole country needs an overall on the election process - all states need to be uniform in this process! I still can’t figure out how they handle it in Oregon!

Well Snowbird, I totally disagree with you…If Florida is any indication, the states should NOT be in charge of the ballots. And the Electoral College is a non-democratic farce. It was devised when the country’s leaders did not trust the people to make the correct choice! I think we’re capable of voting for ourselves, thank you very much

[This message has been edited by Bertie (edited 11-10-2000).]

As an outsider, i’m wondering why the heck there isn’t the same ballot for the presidential race not only across the entire state, but for the entire country??

I realize that there are many other items that are voted on in each state, but at least the presidential ballot could be the same…

Thanks for the levity Snowbird. Soooo since it seems most agree our system is antiquated at best, and we want the popular vote to count? We have no president to put in place, so as a country can we go on strike?

Glimmerglass, I agree! The idea that there may be a re-vote in Palm Beach seems to me to be an outlandish suggestion. The ballot was created by a democrat, approved in advance of the election by both parties, prominently displayed in advance of the election in newspapers for the public to view, AND displayed at every polling site for the public to view. Not to mention that every polling site had officials available to answer voter’s questions concerning the voting process. Those who informed polling officials that they had made a mistake on their ballot were given new ones to make corrections.

I’m sorry that some people chose not to double-check their ballot for accuracy at the time of voting and subsequently left the polling area without raising any concerns. I’m also sorry if some people felt that it was better to knowingly vote for the “wrong” person than appear “stupid” at the time (they apparently have no problem putting themselves on display now that they realize that their folly might have cost their candidate the election)!

What do we have to do to ensure a fair election? Do we station an election official outside every voting booth to ask EVERY voter,

“Are you sure you understand the ballot? Are you REALLY REALLY sure? Are you certain you voted for the correct candidate? Are you absolutely and unequivocally positive? Is there any chance in you may have mistakenly voted for the wrong person? Is there a chance that you are not admitting to voting for the wrong candidate because you don’t want to appear stupid?”

This is ludicrous!!! Everyone of these voters is of legal age and has the responsibility as a citizen to vote their conscience CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME. We shouldn’t be handing out second chances just because the race has become tighter than we thought it would and all of a sudden it now appears that our candidate has found him/herself on the losing side of the battle. For Gosh Sakes Palm Beach, WHY WAS IT SO HARD TO GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME???

As a side note, I’d like to know if the majority of Palm Beach voters DID manage to figure out how to vote for the candidate of their choice (the ballot didn’t seem confusing to me … arrows point directly to the buttons). I’ll bet the majority did.

As to the issue of black voters being turned away at the polls, I believe that IS an issue that needs to be investigated!!!

And here is another possibility: what about the other battleground states? Michigan? Wisconsin? I know, lets make California recount every single vote by hand … that ought to take us well into the next year! Oh heck! Lets just recount every state in the union - at that point we’ll be well into the next election cycle and it won’t matter anyhow!!! Election anomalies are a given in every election held in these United States. Lets do the recount to make certain we have it right in FLA (we owe that to ourselves) then get on with our lives!!!

Just like now, it was a can of worms. Now if they recount the other four states it may solve the Florida problem.

Strangely, Daly’s Dad dicovered a whole bunch of votes that hadn’t been counted when the polls closed. These boxes were then counted after the reports had been sent in…sound familiar.

I think the point is that nothing has been done from now to then to pervent such problems. On the news they say that this same butterfly ballot is used in Illinois.

There is still a possibility that if all the votes are recounted and enough errors are corrected we could wind up with each candidate getting 269 in the Electorial count. Now wouldn’t that be special! Then I guess they could elect Nader as the compromise candidate.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smiles:
You’d think that if these people in palmbeach county had that much trouble with there ballots that someone would have come forward and fix the problem? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You would think so… and if the problem happened before, I can’t imagine WHY it wouldn’t have been fixed.

Y’know, I don’t care which candidate wins (well, I do, but… ), but I would hate to see either candidate elected by a mistake or a technicality. I think we need to figure out what the people of the country want, and that’s who should be in office. That’s all that matters.

If the count of votes in Florida does not reflect what those voters really intended, then something needs to be done about it.

In the long run, this will probably be a good thing. I would hope that the election process gets some good, hard scrutiny in the next four years, and will hopefully improve! Wait til we start voting via the Internet… then things will REALLY get confusing!