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'Ware! Chestnut Mare!

I exclusively buy chestnut mares, at this stage in my life unless it is a large, chestnut warmblood lady I won’t even waste the owner’s time looking. If you listen to her she will tell you everything you need to know and then some. Have fun, keep us posted!!!


So now you were joking? How were we supposed to know that. Insert a :joy: or a :wink:.

When you write “Help!” Not once but twice-people are going to give you advice.


I think the additional “help” made it even more obvious to me that this was a humorous post. That being said, I can see how many, especially at a quick read, might think this is a real plea for help. Tone is tough on the Internet. I thought it was a cute post.

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What part was a joke and what was funny ?


Currently riding a chestnut pony mare. I enjoy feeling the mutual chestnut mare love!

I’ve learned not to nag, not to get into an argument, and to listen to her when she’s trying to tell me she doesn’t understand what I’m asking for.


I am currently taking chestnut mare elocution lessons and trying very hard to understand without putting everything I’m told through my Paint-gelding filter.


I have seen some online references to ‘western dressage’ so now I am wondering what type of ‘western’ training the mare had previously. If you can find that out, it might be helpful. I may be mistaken, but I am thinking if her past was ‘natural horsemanship’ type, she will not be familiar with contact at all. Good luck and keep us posted.
FWIW, I adore mares too. They don’t put up with BS, and do appreciate appreciation. Be very quick with praise and release if she ‘gets it’ and does something you asked her to do.


You asked for help (!) and people stepped up to offer helpful suggestions.

You respond with this:

The problem isn’t “subtlety”; the problem is that it wasn’t the least bit funny. “This group” answered your call for help and you – ya know – ragged on them for it.