WEC Ohio getting the short end of the stick?

Now there’s an app that shows you how many trips away you are!


You can tell I’ve only shown there in the summer! Arab people are wussies, we turn the horses out for the winter!



When it works.

We refer to Show Grounds Live as Slow Grounds Live or Show Grounds Dead or even Slow Grounds Dead.


No idea. First showed there around 96 or 97 and the family had a camel or something similar out behind the stalls (buffalo?). I remember a time when the HJ shows went away, maybe 2005ish? Think the facility was not operating for awhile. Maybe it was bankrupt or tied up in probate or development deals or whatever. IIRC there were grand plans and think Robbie took it over. We thought he was nuts. We were wrong. He spent quite a bit of time picking the brains of trainers and exhibitors when his DD was showing Ponies. Guessing he also did the same with the Western side as the family has a long involvement with Quarter Horses.

WEC North might be the first show grounds to run onsite cabins and seriously operate an event center on the grounds though much smaller scale then South. Multi use keeps revenue flowing, South has started a huge Soccer program and the Christmas Fair is a hit.

Certainly exposes our sport to a broader audience and thats not a bad idea at all.


Lol! Perhaps, but for an older lady with bad knees, trying to run from ring to ring on multiple types of footing, its a lot!

Yes, I remember that too. Cell phones aren’t super helpful inside some of these ginormous steel and aluminum structures; too many dead zones. We may go back to the dark ages of walkie talkies

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I remember being super shocked a year or two ago when I was at WEC Ocala in the summer, and I walked outside in the middle of the day to use my phone, only to discover it was boiling hot outside!

I had been so nice and comfortable all day long in the AC inside that it completely slipped my mind that I was in Florida in June and it was 100° outdoors. Lol.

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That’s actually a pretty normal step count unless you’re a couch potato. I have a 9-5 desk job and I easily get 9k - 10k steps/day.


Electric bike. Mine went everywhere

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Not a couch potato. I’m a hard working,63 year old trainer with bad knees, who runs back and forth from ring to ring in an effort to not make anyone wait. Can we just agree that the place is huge, and requires a lot of walking?


I’ve seen those, but A) not in my budget and B)think it’s a terrible idea inside those narrow spaces shared with horses.
What I can afford is better shoes


I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply that you are a couch potato and I have no doubt that you work hard for your success. I definitely should have worded that differently.


A regular bicycle works as well. I got off and handwalked mine in stabling.

If we want facilities to hold and accommodate tons of horses, then I think we need to expect a comparable amount of walking.


Any facility can be improved, but it is by far one of the nicest and user friendly places in the NE/Midwest. Climate controlled, paths to everywhere.

It is and does. But you’re griping about something that is really your physical issue. WEF is huge, too. So is Ocala South. Malls don’t have bathrooms in every corridor. I think it’s a little unreasonable when facilities are provided, your caveat is “well I’m X and should have to go outside/use a porta potty etc”.

The facility is amazing and they take great care to make the competitors as comfortable as possible.


I can deal with most of the gripes posted about WEC Ohio. My one gripe with it? I wish they’d refuse to allow tack boxes and hay and tables and chairs in the aisles AND actually enforce it. In the winter when the place is closed up it can get downright sketchy trying to get a horse down some of those aisles. God forbid the horse spooks or takes exception to something in the aisle.


I like WEC Ohio a lot but the twists and turns do confuse me at times haha. I’m someone that prefers a show environment without a myriad of people flying by on golf carts/scooters/bikes so I find it to be a refreshing atmosphere! But stabling does feel cramped.


Especially if you’re trying to ride through Barn D to get to Roberts Arena.


Ha! I saw a guy on a 17 hand horse almost lose his head to a ceiling fan in the barn to Roberts. I do agree about enforcing aisle clutter, but it seems to be that way at every show.

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I had to walk my yearling through one of the barns at their schooling series to get to the hunter breeding. It was sketchy. Then having to walk a baby through the lunging area to get to the ring was downright dangerous. :grimacing:


You must have missed the part where I said how much I liked the place