Have shown in some arenas on the railroad tracks. Despite exhibitor angst, guess the horses thought it was just another truck, possibly carrying food, so no drama. Go figure.
Not to beat a 2-week old dead horse, but I’m pretty sure Tommy Hern, who is the Ocala equine operations/show manager, is in Ocala.
There is also a professional show manager at North…but same ownership.
It is a business so never assume anything is forever. The real value is in the land and that will only increase at both locations.
Yes- was just pointing out that the Ocala operations and show are in fact not managed from Ohio.
Sounds like head office is though.
Both WECs are like showing at Walmart. Very industrial. Would be nice to have some character, but those days may be gone.
He is the horse show manager, but anyone that knows WEC knows that the decisions are being made by TJ and Julie in Ohio, along with the Roberts. That hasn’t changed.
The horse show is managed onsite, but the decisions and big calls aren’t made there. I think most people realize that who show there regularly.
I understood your first response, not sure why you made a second one that said the same thing with different words?
I’m not an insider, I don’t follow the WEC poltiics, my horses didn’t show at WEC last winter and am at WEF from this year on
Because you keep saying the same thing? Maybe that’s why? If you’re not even there, why make the point?
My boy was good with a lot of things at the various show/fairs, but absolutely would not go near the mule that was standing in the middle of the warm up ring. Nope, wasn’t going, couldn’t be coaxed, just a solid no way! We’ve never seen a mini so I don’t know how that would go.
This comment makes no sense. Please enlighten us.
Mmmmm, you mean character like trying to take a shower in a bath house at the local fairgrounds, cold water only, with rocks in the arena and stalls held together with baling twine and wire? How about an outdoor arena converted to an “indoor” by hanging what looked like a heavy plastic shower curtain around the ring? (Looking at you Hoosier Horse Park!) Even the Kentucky Horse Park had some pretty funky bathrooms by the rings the last time I was there tho I love the grounds. The old barns at KHP were hell for people showing at USDF finals as they were open to the elements, brutal in November sometimes.
I don’t know what the H/J equivalent is to crappy showgrounds but certainly not everywhere is Devon. And I understand that even Devon has its shortcomings, charming though it’s reputed to be.
If we’re going to compare it to retail outlets, WEC North is ? (whats a tad classier than Target? I don’t retail that much LOL!) and WEC South is Nordstroms.
WEC lovers are not exactly a cult but we are people who thoroughly appreciate both showgrounds for the attention to exhibitor and horse comfort.
Honestly, it makes a lot of sense. I can best articulate it through the hotel in Ocala, which, as someone who literally stays in luxury hotels as my career, feels like a hotel designed for people who have never stayed in a fancy hotel before but want to. It is a “Walmart” of a horse show — and that doesn’t mean that what they’re doing isn’t greatly needed or appreciated.
To me this feels like a debate about new builds vs. old houses.
Look I have a house from 1910 that I adore, but it does more damage to my wallet than the horse. It’s got beautiful stain glass and a lovely facade, and it has great bones. The kitchen might not make sense and everything needs updating but WOOD BEAMS
Then you’ve got your new builds that I was so huffy about because they felt cookie cutter. But they reliably had three working bathrooms, a very reasonable kitchen, walk-in closet, and a bonus in law suite? If you can afford the price and don’t mind millennial gray everything, there’s a lot to be said about the consistency and knowing what to expect.
That new build is WEC and I think there’s a lot to appreciate.
I miss some of the shows of my youth like the Stacy Ann Boe show (anyone back in zone 4 remember that?) and the murphy’s 4th of July show with the donkey races. I don’t however miss bad food, restrooms without climate control, poor footing, or cramped warm up rings with trees in the middle.
And to WEC’s credit, they have been getting more creative coming up with theme nights and exhibitor parties. I was low key bummed to miss karaoke night awhile ago.
Oh, WEC north has some “character” left if you walk the the whole thing and not even a Walmart semi luxury hotel or sort of fine dining on the property.
They have done a fabulous job but the bones are old.
You must not have been to the Hoosier Horse Park in a very long time. The walls are all solid now.
I do wish the bath house area at WEC Ohio was upgraded. It’s a little rustic but clean. I think it’s not on their list because most of the HJ people use hotels or the on site housing, and the western people have showers in their trailers. I did not think that showing there was “industrial.”
You are correct, it has been a long time. But clearly it left an impression! Not only did they have the curtains, the footing in the ring was full of big rocks. It needed some love!
When we went there to show my sis was shocked - she had been there to see the Pan American games and the showground was in sad shape compared to when the games were there. I do think they were in the midst of improving things. They had built new stalls which were very nice and I think at least some of the dressage rings had new footing.
Region 13 used to have their sport horse regionals there but now they are at WEC. There may be a move afoot to send them (and the main ring?) back to Region 13 instead of having them in region 14. Drama!