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Weird Dog Behavior

Sorry, I thought you said she had started vomiting.

No worries! No vomiting or we would have been at the emergency vet. She’s scheduled for her dental next Monday. She’s feeling really crummy and lethargic now but has some pain meds until then. The other pup has her dental next Thursday

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Surgery was Monday and she’s recovering well. I feel like the WORST dog mom right now. The weird licking is 100% gone. So basically over a year and multiple vet visits she just had a tooth rotting in her mouth. I can’t even imagine the pain and next time I’m pushing more, I’ll go to different vets I knew something was wrong.

On a positive note I love the new vets that bought the practice near me so hopefully that continues


So glad the surgery went well and she is on the mend!

Be gentle to yourself. You noticed a problem, went to the vet multiple times, sought advice online, tried different foods and meds, and stayed persistent. You are not even remotely close to a bad dog mom. Jingles for your pupper!

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I hope you bitched out that vet :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: