Well my new horse looks like she has strangles

Any update? Hope she is doing better!


Thanks for asking :blush:. So far mare has responded to the dex and swelling has gone down considerably. She is still slightly swollen but nothing like before. I gave a lower dosage of dex last night (only 2ml) and she didnā€™t look any worse today .

She has had several abscess open up now and I think will have one more open today. Hopefully that will be it . :crossed_fingers:

Her fever has gone up a few times but has responded to the bute. I am sure after this is all over I will probably be treating her for ulcers. Mareā€™s breathing is still a little fast but when the vet was out here last she said her lungs sounded good. Her culture and med. sensitivity test didnā€™t come back by Friday so I put off having the vet come back out and giving her more meds until we know.

The FL vet came out and put us in quarantine unless he finds out different from the culture that should come back by tomorrow . Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t come back different.

Iā€™ve switched her food that the previous owner had her on which was 2x 3/4 scoop safe choice original to 2lbs of Triple Crown Balancer %30. I donā€™t think the safe choice was enough to give her the full vitamins that she needs. She loves the switch.

My round pen that I ordered last month finally came this week and before the abscesses were oozing all over I was able to separate my pony from touching noses with the new mare. It may be too late but so far Pony hasnā€™t had any symptoms.


Another update- The culture came back that she doesnā€™t have strangles!

Vet canceled her appointment and said just take her off of dex the next couple of daysā€¦ and she would notify the state. I will be talking with the vet this afternoon after my phone has charged up.

So why would my horse have these abscesses (Sorry gross picture) ? I think the culture must be wrong? Itā€™s just odd that my mare came from a place that has strangles (the owners other horse had it) and she has the symptoms :woman_shrugging:t2:.

My barn had a strain a few years ago that they couldnā€™t get to culture positive, even after the horse abscessed. They repeated the cultures and did several other types of tests to confirm early cases. There are also several different sample collection techniques that may depend on timing and skill of the vet doing the collection.

I would assume your horse has strangles and make sure you and anyone entering your property maintain biosecurity precautions. Especially any other equine professionals that will travel to other barns after leaving yours.


How scary! Jingles for you and your beautiful pone.

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Iā€™m definitely going to keep treating it like itā€™s strangles . The state vet didnā€™t take the quarantine off yet. The had more questions for the vet and maybe they will decide to keep it under quarantine until she heals up despite the culture :woman_shrugging:t2:. Either way I will just keep doing what Iā€™m doing .

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During PH, as the vessels rupture, the skin can become so tight with fluid that it will rupture, creating similar sores.

Use silvadine or such with steroids.

The culture is likely negative.