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Update - Went for routine blood work, found cancer

He’s gorgeous!

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I want to pet him and smoosh him! His fur looks so plush. How is he doing? How are YOU doing?


He’s doing great for now. He’s eating good, still chases the laser light and is doing all his catly things the same.

We’re taking things one day at a time and enjoying the good days. :slight_smile:


Good news with Sammy. He’s gained a pound still doing good… eating, drinking, and doing all his regular stuff. The vet did another x-ray and the tumor is still there but hasn’t grown any, so hopefully he’ll have some good time left. His thyroid levels were good so he’s still on the same dosage of methimazole.

Jellybean on the other hand, has been throwing up lately. He had a xray done and it showed thckening of the intestines, which is usually IBD or cancer.

He’s going back to the vet tomorrow. They gave him cerenia which has stopped the vomiting but as soon as it wears off he starts again.

I don’t know if I’m going to do further diagnostics or not. From what I’ve read the treatment for both seems to be steroids.

So, good news with the bad. Sammy turned 16 last week (rough guesstimate) and Jellybean and Snickers will be 15 in a couple of months.


Well, I’m glad for Sammy (GO Sammy!) but poor Jellybean! I hope it isn’t wither but I would rather have IBD than cancer. Jingling for Jelly!


I have a couple vets for clients here, and they have successfully helped another client deal with suspected IBD in her cat just by putting her on a very strict Hydrolyzed Protein diet. It was hard for cat owner to stick to the diet, but the cat has been doing very well for about 16 months now. Good luck with both your kitties.


Thank you!

Jellybean is on the left, being used as a pillow by his sister. Lol

@CHT, thanks, I’ll pick some up tomorrow while I’m there.


If it’s not one thing, it’s another. It’s great that Sammy is doing well but I’m sorry that Jellybean has something going on. I hope it can be managed for a long time and I hope the steroids help him feel better. :heart:

Adorable picture of your kitties! If mine get that close, there is usually some ugly behavior. :rofl:

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Most of the time they all get along til jellybean thinks it’s time to assert some dominance.

They usually sleep two to a cat bed. :slight_smile:

Jellybean got a shot of steroids, we got prednisolone to start in three days and I’m to start him on pepcid and see if it helps. If not we’ll try the other nausea drug.

He’s lost weight since his appointment three weeks ago so we’ll have to see how this goes.


I hope Jellybean feels better and is able to eat and keep his food down. Keep us posted!

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I’m so glad to hear that Sammy is doing well. Hopefully he has years ahead of him! In the past, my horse vet has come out to do home euthanasia for my small pets. Hopefully you don’t need it anytime soon but it’s always good to know your options ahead of time to avoid making hard decisions at emotional times.

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