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Western Bits

Knowledgable horse people are usually happy to answer questions from newbies.

They will eventually tire if you ask the same question over and over and don’t retain the answers, or ask the same questions over and over out of anxiety or the need for reassurance, or because you want to refute another rider they have no intention of sparring with.

I myself do tire of giving answers to people who don’t ever take my good advice :slight_smile: and then continue on with some stupid advice from some one else.

When I was a teen horse owner pre internet, there were no intelligent adults around and I bought books to learn about horse care. As an adult returning rider I lucked into a coach and mentor whose advice I could follow unreservedly and that was phenomenal. Find someone like that, learn from them.


Maybe its an area thing because most around here use shanked bits . She is a Tennessee walker

I would have titled this thread gaited, not western bits.
There are real differences there.

Sorry, I would not know about bits for gaited horses, or any other for gaited horses.
They are in a world of their own, specialized, follow their own disciplines.

When I bought her i was told by the gaited community to ignore all the gaited specific things since they as a trail horse are no different than any other breed.

Guess they are the ones that know then.

Mmm, gaited horses as trail horses are different from WT horses as trail horses. They move differently.
Some will gait in snaffles.
Make sure your snaffle fits your mare’s mouth. Could it be teeth issues causing her problems with her bit?
Is her snaffle fitted properly? A snaffle isn’t fitted or positioned in the mouth the same way a curb bit is.

I have found this book very useful. https://www.amazon.com/Bit-Reins-Developing-Contact-Sensitive/dp/0851319033

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I wonder what the OP’s “gaited community” consists of. I wonder if it’s breed-specific; if it consists of trail riders who ride all sorts of breeds of gaited horses who do different gaits; I’d love to see what bits these gaited people use on their horses …

The gaited community i use is both breed specific and geared towards both casual trail horses and competing trail/ranch horses. Not to mention most clinician that teach gaited have talked to me about gaited horses not needing special gaited bits. In the community everyone likes different bits, its not different than any other breed. The only difference is that most have seen that TWH have low palates where the snaffle hits the roof of their mouth.
Her snaffle was properly fitted, I tried both single joint and double jointed. She is getting floated soon but we ruled that out of her issues with the bit.