Western New York Equine Lawyer?

Thanks again for the moderation attempt.

I’m saying there looks to be a lot more to this story than what meets the eye. And what we’re being told here.

It looks as if the horses were taken legally, because the “non litigating lawyer and judge” didn’t even realize that 10 days notice is standard for a hold over, and they are dodging questions about how livestock is handled in these cases. They keep saying “stableman’s lien” when that isn’t how it works in these cases.

So before anyone goes out of their way to help someone, please realize there is more to the story. If you try to “help” here you’re going to get lumped in with someone you don’t want to be associated with.

The person was not banned from the sale because they were “pleading” to be allowed to buy their horses back. They were banned because of threatening behavior - you can call and find out for yourself.

If this was the case, was the new owner in on it?

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Cause what do you expect them to say? Really?

That place is crawling with people you don’t want to cross. It’s not lollipops and rainbows there. :roll_eyes:


And it isn’t with the subject in question, either. :slight_smile:

If you don’t pay your bills on 20 horses, don’t leave when you’re served notice, don’t pay a stay, and your horses are taken legally, you ought to be kissing asses not threatening legal action when it comes time to try and get your 20 horses back.


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Looks like Foxy had a couple horses stolen awhile back. Weird! This just seems to happen over and over again in the saddlebred world! And to a judge?! Wait… you didn’t mean horse show judge, did you Foxy? Nah, Town judge. Got it!

One thing I just can’t work out is the rescue. It’s gotta be something aimed right at Saddlebreds, since they understand the paperwork and the ability to receive registration. The “tenant” spoke with the director, supposedly. Is this it? They’re in the area.

Lol, no Copake isn’t “in the area”, unless by “area” you mean in the same state.
That’s not near Freeville.


If you’re a breed specific rescue, your reach spans several states. They’re only 3 hours apart.

Edit: And Team American Saddlebreds is only two hours from the auction where the horses were dispersed. For a breed specific rescue, looking at potentially 20 horses to “steal”… 2 hours is well within range.

Clearly everyone has their own idea of what “in the area” means. In this case, it means in the same state, just almost four hours away (3hours 45 minutes per google maps).

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And if you had to drive it, with trailers… Muuuch longer.

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2 hours from the auctionhouse where the horses were dispersed. Unless we’re saying the rescue was the ones who took the horses off the property? I haven’t heard that.

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You have no clue, do you?


I’m just trying to work out which rescue is involved. If they were nefarious in this, it’s important to know who they are. If the parties don’t want to name them, that’s fine - I’m just going to list the closest saddlebred rescues, because there aren’t going to be 50 of them in a single state.

There’s another one in New Jersey, about the same distance away from the auction:


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She doesn’t. And I am not going to play. She’s getting way out there now. She’s been given facts, but clearly feels the need to make what happened fit her narrative. That simply won’t work.


It’s pretty simple.

Susie rescue helps with all kinds of local issues, becoming a resource and basically the expert to Bobby animal control and Clarence cop who know zilch about horses. George Judge knows very little about the law wrt livestock and less about livestock itself.

So when Bobby and Clarence present George with a warrant that they tell him Susie says needs to be signed to take animals which Susie says need to go… Do you really think they think about it very long?
No. They don’t

In the end, the horses are property and it’s a civil matter. Their response to “they took my horse” is “sue”.

Which is ironic in light of the idea that threatening the auction with legal action as they sell your horses is kinda hilarious and sad at the same time. If someone took my 1-100 head of animals and was selling them at a low end auction, damn straight I’d threaten legal action.
Isn’t that what you should do, get the legal process involved to get your property back??


Yes, via an attorney. A hot-headed desperate woman screaming on a telephone is not a good way to be taken seriously.

I haven’t spoken to the sale, or the individual, but I will say that if someone took my horses and tried to run them through a sale, I believe that I would be more than “hot-headed and desperate”. And, if I was involved with the sale, I might want to determine if there was any truth to her story.


Sadly this sale, and the dealers who frequent it, who also work with “rescues”* aren’t like us.

I’m guessing who the “gentleman” who took, housed, tried to exhort fees and then took the horses to the sale is. These “gentlemen” are known to the sale, they’re there at every sale.

*I use the term very loosely

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Ok, my memory is fuzzy, but wasn’t it Chambers or his son who had horses on a semi sitting on the hwy with their ears frozen off?
And last I knew he hadn’t even paid the fine for…?