Thanks again for the moderation attempt.
I’m saying there looks to be a lot more to this story than what meets the eye. And what we’re being told here.
It looks as if the horses were taken legally, because the “non litigating lawyer and judge” didn’t even realize that 10 days notice is standard for a hold over, and they are dodging questions about how livestock is handled in these cases. They keep saying “stableman’s lien” when that isn’t how it works in these cases.
So before anyone goes out of their way to help someone, please realize there is more to the story. If you try to “help” here you’re going to get lumped in with someone you don’t want to be associated with.
The person was not banned from the sale because they were “pleading” to be allowed to buy their horses back. They were banned because of threatening behavior - you can call and find out for yourself.