It also doesn’t happen when you do try! Im not in the US so can’t comment on how it works there, but here I have worked for a few years to get 50+ neglected arabs off an elderly womans property who has severe mental health issues. Horses were running loose in the area constantly, including stallions. Completely feral, neglected, and breeding.
Finally got some action, got the horses off the property, then they just gave them all back to her. She had a peace bond to only have 8 horses all of the same gender only. Well after a few months she was back to 20+ horses. No hay, no water, living free on a 100 of hoarder scrap metal, downed barn and no fencing. Multiple deaths of horses on and off the property. So extremely frustrating.
Foals on the ground now and winter fast approaching.
She had people helping her get the horses back. I don’t know why people do that.