Total lies. I have NEVER met you. Just wow. And how this relates to this situation absolutely is tasteless.
What I did not do is discuss this in detail. THAT would have been tasteless.
So, did the owner of these horses send you money to help save her horses? Did you return that money to her?
Pfft. Bull corn.
She absolutely DID NOT give me 1 penny. She messaged me the night of the auction to see if I would use her cc to bid for her and I did not respond.
After talking w people who were involved (and that included a friend of hers) I felt she was not capable of caring for these horses. Not to mention the messages telling me she was cutting her wrists, etc.
That wasn’t exactly the question. There are more than a few questions that I have asked on here that you have not responded to. That should be enough for anyone who is seeking to glean the truth. Transparency is the key. If all that you say is true, your tax returns for the rescue, amongst other things should all be solid. I guess we will see.
I’m not sure what your agenda is, but if anyone on here thinks it’s about helping this woman they can certainly see that’s far from the truth.
You are the one who is now transparent because we all see this post has more to do with some witch hunt involving my rescue.
What exactly have you done to actually help this woman and her horses…the answer is nothing. I on the other hand have 15 of her horses safe and trying to recover from being tossed around.
Thanks for showing your true colors. You don’t have a clue what my rescue does. Have you ever been here? Have you donated? Have you adopted a horse? Have you volunteered? The answer is no, but you proclaim to know so much…wow
And for the record. I divorced my ex so get your information correct. We were never run off any farm. Lol. If you are going to tell my life story you might want to talk with me first to verify your information.
I do not claim to know anything special about “your” rescue, and I haven’t tried to. Please remember that rescues aren’t an individual thing. It’s governmental. It isn’t about YOU.
I simply started this thread to find an attorney to help her. I hope that she can get some of her horses back. It’s personal for her.
I’ve done rescue longer than you have been alive. And, as I’ve stated, I’m good with what I’ve done. I am thrilled that there are those who have followed behind.
I am sorry that you brought this up, again. I stand by my version, as it is the one that you told me.
We’re going to allow the parties involved/interested to address this issue themselves directly versus hashing it out on the forums, as things are getting personal.