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What are the costs for breeding a mare?

I would definitely not make any serious decisions without first weighing the risks! And I’m not in any way opposed to finding her an easy home until I’m out of school and have my own place. Or maybe look into just taking her to the welsh shows by herself!

It’s always been a goal of mine to breed at some point in my life. This situation (her injury) wasn’t planned for, so at the moment I do not have the facilities or knowledge to do everything myself. But everyone’s got to start somewhere, ya know? And I figured having an expert handle it as I follow along would be a wonderful way to learn! If this isn’t the mare to start that journey with, that’s totally fine. I just wanted to speculate and think about costs😊


I’m in the process now, so I’ll update as I go for you! Stud fee was $1,500 US. That’s as far as I am so far :joy:


Just be aware of the risks. For the first time breeder, expert assistance and mentoring is essential. I can’t advise on the costs but many people here can.

Good luck with whatever you decide! She sounds like a lovely mare. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Katie Van Slyke breeds about 6 mares every year. This particular video talks about the costs of breeding. Take a look through her page. There are videos of her mares foaling (some of them problems) and some other issues that have come up for her where foals have had to be euthanized. You also mention you aren’t in it for a dream foal. You always want to breed for the best baby you can get. If your life circumstances change or you decide you no longer want this horse, he or she is much more likely to have a soft landing if it’s registered and of good quality with good manners. Lots of variables to consider.

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Thanks! I’ll definitely take a look.

“Dream foal” to me is a goal for a single, lifetime personal horse. My goal with breeding is a little different. I want to make child friendly, competitive hunter ponies. It would be a carefully thought through match. I would love to see the baby go out there and make some kids dreams come true. A lofty goal, I’m well aware. But a girl can dream lol.

If you are breeding to sell, you ideally want a mare with a proven competition record. What is the soundness issue? Was she shown prior?


The most cost effective is to send to a breeding facility and have them handle getting her to 30 days in foal.
I charge $1000 for the breeding season plus $400-$650 board depending on whether they are in a stall or in the pasture.
The $1000 covers tracking of cycles, as many scans as needed to do the job and actual breeding.
Regumate/sedation/ovulatory drugs etc are all included in that number.

What’s not included is progesterone shots if the owner chooses to use it, any pre and post breeding lavages the mare needs, lavage is $150 per occurrence, progesterone shots are $15.00 a week.

Also, after the mare gets to 30 days, the contract is considered fulfilled. If the mare slips after that, you have to pay to start over.

My customers are very happy with the cost - vet calls for scans add up QUICK plus the waiting on the vet (inevitable emergencies) to check mare to order semen or waiting on vet to breed.

I would also suggest insuring your pony if you can’t afford to replace her if something happens.
Dystocia is a real thing - I lost a mare AND foal 2 years ago.


Where are you? That sounds like a crazy good price for all that’s included?!

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And the people too, about 15 years ago a lady was helping someone breed and got kicked in the head and died (gross ghetto place shouldn’t have been breeding anyway but besides the point)… Hearing the traffic that brain matter is present sucks. She had young kids too.

To be fair, there are risks with collecting for AI as well, and every single person handling a stallion for collection, or LC, should have a vet and helmet on. Sometimes with that you’re only handling a stallion, but sometimes a mare is present to trick the stallion into using the phantom, so that increases the risk too. How horrible :frowning:

I’m in PA….but I am a lay person - not a vet.

Breeding costs aside, once that foal hits the ground there are no guarantees. Will it be exactly what you hoped for? Conformationally, temperament? Do you have to board that weanling until age to be backed? What about illnesses? I have a 7 week old that just entered the nicu at our equine vet hospital. I’m sure this will be a very hefty vet bill. There is so much to consider besides the breeding. JMHO.

This 100%.
The first one I bred laid dead in the field - still born. I was devastated.
An old cowboy told me “if you can’t handle the bad days, you won’t be around to see the good days.”
Now I have to tell myself if you have livestock, you will have deadstock as well. It’s awful but it’s a part of it.
Can’t let the highs get you too high or the lows get you too low.