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What colour is my horse?!?!

Is this supposed to be sooty? Even Etalon doesn’t offer that test, unless things have changed recently there is no test for sooty.

Yes, that was what I believe the written genotype was for sooty. I have no idea about testing!

Chocolate palomino is used to describe anything from a dark red with flaxen, to silver black (aka silver dapple, silver bay is not), or dark or sooty palominos. Equine colour genetics people abhor the term, because it is used for too many different colours.


Right, no test for sooty


I don’t think you can write a genotype for something that is untestable and that geneticists don’t know how it works yet.


Like @JB said, Etalon has made some major errors on basic tests like Frame, Tobiano or HYPP. If your horse didn’t test as a Sabino, and it was because he doesn’t have SB1, but another Sabino like pattern. There are many that look the same, but don’t test as it.

As for the ancestry thing, that’s something to do for fun. Breed testing doesn’t work well in horses, there’s multiple threads here about it.