Hmm. A week of full service grooming is around $800, so I think that you are way overpaying. I pay $25/day for stall cleaning/feeding, which is $175 for a full 7 days and I tip in beer/coffee. My husband is a show groom (A show, FEI, etc) so I know the norm up and down the coast.
For context I live in the PNW and it’s my understanding that the only place more expensive to ride in top barns is New England. Saying that because it should not be $600 for grooms AND do your own grooming.
It’s a huge expense, I agree, and I feel like maybe the conversation could be had with your trainer since the relationship is so good? I didn’t mean to imply you should leave, but if there is another program that would allow your daughter to do these things that cut costs, well then…
As far as braiding: if your daughter can get good enough, sorry but it shouldn’t matter that anyone, and I mean anyone, “wants” you to pay a braider. It takes a lot of practice but once she gets the hang of it, she could have pro looking braids in no time. If she connects with the braider for your barn at the beginning, she could braid down for money once she gets good!
If you pay $125/day for braiding like me, that’s a grand total of about $1300 in savings between braiding and grooming.