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What do trainers/judges/employers think about crazy colored dyed hair?

I work for a top pharma company and one of our latest Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) broadcasts was “Does My Hair Color Make My Ideas Bad?”. It was pretty interesting that our leaders were driving home how looks SHOULDN’T affect how people are treated.

That, of course, does not account for unconscious bias, which is real. One of the directors is a middle aged woman with hot pink or purple hair (it changes). When I first got in to pharma- this would have been unthinkable. Now- diversity of thought and look is embraced (if it is even noticed) a lot of places.

Eh. Go ahead and dye your hair any dang color you want.

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As a teenager I spotted a full spectrum of rainbow hair color and it was definitely a tell about my internal turmoil. When I see it and other strong subculture markers on adults it just makes me think they’re making things harder for themselves.

I just can’t take what looks like an angry teenager seriously as a professional. Same thing with tattoos, piercings, odd clothes, or over the top makeup.

You know how a lot of the hunter ring “dress code” is unwritten, but understood? It’s the same thing putting on your professional adult costume. It shows me that you’re willing to do/wear something that isn’t your favorite because you understand the benefits.

If you show up at the ring with green hair peaking out from under your helmet, it makes me think you either don’t understand opportunity cost, or that you don’t care. Wouldn’t effect your score if I were judging, but I wouldn’t want you catching the ride on my horse. Does that make sense?

If you’re still in high school, have at it!!! This is your time to get into whatever fashion silliness you want. Live it up! But if you’re going to present yourself as a professional (working student IS a pro) then make your life easier and tone it down. Show people you understand the rules and you’re willing to play by them.


If you have two riders and rider A has green hair but is a phenomenal rider who really gets the horses and gets the best out of them and rider B who has undyed hair but is just average and won’t screw up your horse but also won’t do much for them you’d go with B over A because of something like hair… that isn’t even permanent? :lol: Even though it isn’t my preference I’d rather have the best ride my horse vs just someone who looks the part.

I’ve had many fantasy colors - rose gold, lavender, light pink, and most recently denim blue.

my hair holds color incredibly well and these colors are still a huge pain in the arse to maintain. Additionally, some colors especially the more extreme colors really do not work unless you’re one of those people who can blow dry their hair to go to the grocery store. Blue hair quickly crosses the line from stylish to sloppy if it’s unstyled.

Think carefully about the upkeep regardless if someone else will be bothered by it. I guarantee you will be bothered by it when it has started to fade and you need to bleach your roots and dye them. It gets expensive and doing it yourself is a skill in itself.


With the OP being in high school worst case scenario is she can’t catch ride that posters horse:rolleyes:

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Exactly. Plus, how is it different from normal hair color regrowth? Just this past weekend another trainer the college kids knew walked up to our trailer area and stood chatting with them. She had brassy blonde hair with 4" of salt and pepper roots going on. IMO, it looked way less polished and professional than any unconventional color I’ve seen. Unless you live in a place where everyone is richer than Crosis, most people don’t have salon perfect hair. Heck. I live where it feels like I’m the only non-millionaire around and most people still have bad hair!

There are are lots of options the OP could consider. My girls have dark hair. Certain brands of hair chalk have enough pigmentation to sit over darker hair and last a few days. You can do so-called oil slick hair color that adds subtle shimmers to dark hair like a grackle’s wing. You can dye the hair a natural shade of blonde and have the stylist balyage an accent color through. I have seen this last one on multiple teenage girls floating around Upperville on horses that cost more than my house and no one was scandalized.


I have gotten it professionally done, but it’s much cheaper using box dyes. I know they’re not as good, but the color is the same. I had a 6rv in it for the past year. That’s why I want a bit different for the summer, then will most likely go back to the red. I do have to do it every month though.