What has been interesting is the ‘journey’ feed has taken since the 1960’s. Back then (if I remember correctly) we only had oats and corn (dried on the husk) and maybe some other grains - and those big white salt licks and bran mashes (ugg).
I boarded my horse then - and was too young to care what my horse was being fed. Relied on the BO for that. Big stable, mostly Thorougbreds but also some ponies and Appendix and a few grade horses. Us kids rode every day for hours and hours over hill and dale and in the ring too, schooling for shows. Horses were turned out in HUGE pastures in between; and they were healthy and happy. Go figure!
Didn’t mean to hijack thread - it just got me thinking about all the different feeds and how finely tuned (and manufactured) they are these days-- extruded, textured, sweetened, with supplements added, etc. etc. Mind boggling really.
…and it’s come full circle where some of us (most of us) are trying to find the most natural and healthy ways to feed our horses. Still, after all this time!