I love -joring! I have skijored before but do not have the aptitude for skiing lol. Here’s a vid of my dawgs bikejoring (their favorite activity in the world)
I love -joring! I have skijored before but do not have the aptitude for skiing lol. Here’s a vid of my dawgs bikejoring (their favorite activity in the world)
I love Greg!
I have 3 Brittanys; almost 2, 8, and turning 14 in January. We would sleep a little more except for the adolescent turd, who is like a shaken bottle of cola most of the time.
I have 20 acres that borders other vacant land, so every morning they get an off leash run for about 25-30 minutes, and every afternoon or evening if it’s not too dark; there are some very sad days when only one walk occurs because I’m in the office and get home after it’s dark in the winter.
I get a lot of great sunrise and sunset photos; this one is a sunset.
I have a nice indoor/outdoor kennel so they are in there when I’m at work. That was one of the best upgrades I ever made to my home.
I feed Purina Pro Plan and admit that my dogs get rawhide “bones” with dried chicken wrapping from Tractor Supply because that gives me some time in the morning to have coffee before having to go out.
I’m terrible about brushing their teeth but do nails pretty regularly. I’m showing my youngest so trying to keep him in show shape although the burrs/stickies in the fields are tough this time of year!
Aussie and English Shepherd, 11 and 1.5 years. They run behind my horse on the trails – nearly eight miles today – and go hiking with us. I usually get in about 15 miles a week horseback. Teeth: very bad with the tooth upkeep. Nails: they rarely need it. Eat Canidae kibble with canned or cooked meat or an egg as a topping. Older Aussie gets Dasuquin with MSM. I used to train my dogs for stuff – herding, Obedience, Agility … but now I am out of juice for it. So they are just dogs. They boss the chickens and goats around, and try to boss the horse (she will have none of that nonsense). They live on a farm, with all that entails. The ES isn’t too bright about herding, but he does chase off predators – coyotes, foxes, bears. Which is needed. The Aussie does the herding and I don’t know what I’ll do when she’s too old for it.
My goddess, your doggos get more enrichment than my baby lol.
I have 70 acres and a farm and a high octane GSD. She gets raw diet, bone-in assortment and a diced veggie slaw and mineral sprinkle, not because I’m fanatical about raw in general, but just because shepherds can get skin issues and going on elimination diets with commercial food is annoying.
In the winter when things are slow, I teach her scent discrimination games and all sorts of work with retrieval. Otherwise, she just goes out on the trail with me when I ride, otherwise she’s my barn shadow. She also hunts ground hogs.
I rarely have to grind down her nails. I bathe her as needed, she gets wet and stinky in the summer because she’s running through ponds and streams.
Get another Aussie
We have 3 dogs.
Mini Aussie - 4years
Mixed breed , 35 pound( soaking wet)- 3.5 years
GSD/ Anatolian Shepherd -2 years.
We do the same things everyday so the dogs do too. All sleep inside the house and have free choice access to the farm we live on. They accompany us on Morning, Afternoon and Evening chores ( big help).
I take them for a walk ( after morning chores) around our hay fields that border the creek so they run and swim while I get my exercise 5-7 days a week.
They also love to chase the squirrels brave enough to leave the pastures to see what might be in our yard as well as any other critters they may find.
They all eat Purina dog chow ( assorted flavors) with some cooked chicken on top and get " treats" from peoples plates under the dinner table.
My dogs are nothing but couch potatoes. Granted it’s too hot half the year to do much. They are both black dogs and get too hot in the sun.
The cocker spaniel is younger and is always under foot around the barn. But even her favorite activity is sitting in the recliner.
2 dogs at home; an elderly (14) mini poodle and a 1 yr old (yesterday!) oversized mini (23 lbs and 16" at the shoulder). Older dog goes on a short walk every morning, then we chill in the yard while DH finishes the young dog’s longer walk. We have property so we do some off leash work, squirrel chasing, and cat herding most days. Pup is in rally training so we try to practice a few things every day, and a bit of scent work.
The young one eats pro plan sensitive, and our old guy is on Hills for kidney failure :(. He gets so many meds right now (heart meds, gabapentin, and omegas) that I don’t give a ton of supplements; the pup just gets an omega supplement when I think of it.
We’re currently on a multi-day road trip to house sit for my kid while she’s in Ireland, so he’s learning to live with her boisterous year-old cur/border collie/cattle dog cross (she’s a great barn dog!) and her older (9) pom, whom he already adores. He’s also learning about horses and hunting mice in the hayfield and having a blast.