What is a Fair Half Lease Offer?

Any updates? Did you talk to your instructor at all? How are her other horses managed with turn out and how often they are ridden?

The horse could very well get hurt while you are riding her and it might not be negligence as accidents do happen. I would expect a lessee to pay for anything that happened to the horse while they were working with or riding the horse.[/QUOTE]

That’s far too vague. You might notice it working, but may have happened in pasture. Or, in a half lease, while the other lessee was riding - how do you prove who’s responsible?
Or horse could colic… lessee still responsible? Horse could suffer work-ending injury, or something requiring long treatment/rehab…lessee responsible? For how long?

What is lessee disagrees with owner on treatment. I mean, if I’m paying the vet, I sure as hell am picking the course of treatment. You wanna dictate, you pay the bills.

As a lessee (half lease, horse stayed at owner’s barn) I was responsible for no vet at all. That’s the nice part of leasing - you pay for use, but you have very little actual responsibility. If vet was going to be an issue, for anything but routine care that would be rolled into the lease payment, I would have preferred that owner made carrying insurance a requirement of the lease.

That’s far too vague. You might notice it working, but may have happened in pasture. Or, in a half lease, while the other lessee was riding - how do you prove who’s responsible?
Or horse could colic… lessee still responsible? Horse could suffer work-ending injury, or something requiring long treatment/rehab…lessee responsible? For how long?

What is lessee disagrees with owner on treatment. I mean, if I’m paying the vet, I sure as hell am picking the course of treatment. You wanna dictate, you pay the bills.

As a lessee (half lease, horse stayed at owner’s barn) I was responsible for no vet at all. That’s the nice part of leasing - you pay for use, but you have very little actual responsibility. If vet was going to be an issue, for anything but routine care that would be rolled into the lease payment, I would have preferred that owner made carrying insurance a requirement of the lease.[/QUOTE]

I was actually referring to a situation where you are riding and the horse injures itself. ie you are trail riding, horse steps in a hole, twists leg badly and comes up lame. Or you are riding in the arena, horse spooks and rips up shoulder on gate latch. Situations that happen while the lessee is working with the horse, not a situation that may have happened out in the field two hours ago.

Not the best examples, but the idea is that while they are riding or working the horse something accidently happens to the horse, however, no negligence is involved. If a lesse is riding or doing groundwork with my horse and there is an accident, I would expect the lessee to contribute to help pay the vet bills.