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What Should You Really Do If A Horse Rears?

Indication is given by the horse such as balking that a rear is coming but there isn’t much time to react on it there could be several reasons for barking of horse
1- if it rearrs when while riding keep your weight well forward and centered
2- Dont pul the reins you might pull the head back further and dont touch the reins again untill its all set on his all four feet

HarryA, this is a post from almost ten years ago. Typically on COTH we don’t resurrect very old threads to add advice, and if we have a question we start a new thread to ask that question, which is why the poster from 2018 with the rearing question here #60 didn’t get any responses. Probably everyone saw it was an ancient post and didn’t flip to the end to see what revived it. Also we get spammers reviving very old threads, so often people just ignore zombie threads that get revived.