What's up with all the flash nosebands?

Race horses will flip their soft palate or get their tongue over the bit, so the tongue is tied down.


I just thought the picture was interesting. I’m enjoying looking at old racing photos on a rainy afternoon. Here was the original blog it came from:


No, I do not think it is photo-shopped.


I see no tongue-ties. None. Even with my very bad eyes.
I see a figure-8 on - you said Kauai King? He NEEDED a tongue-tie :lol:
I see ring-bit/ chifney bit and perhaps a English curb chain on the inside horse (why? don’t know.)
I do see the bits up where they should be. :wink:

Do I need to circle the tongue ties for you?

More photos of Kauai King at the Preakness:


It’s clear as day in many of those photos; you can click on all of them to enlarge. Particularly the 3rd photo from the left on the top row.


So, let me get this straight. When you don’t believe that European horses race with tongue ties, you ask for pictures to prove it–and are given them (thank you, Texarkana.)

When I don’t believe your assertion that a flash impedes a horse’s breathing while racing and ask for pictures, you tell me to go find my own. Yeah, that’s fair.

I’m guessing you don’t have pictures because they don’t exist? Ya know, because it doesn’t actually happen. :rolleyes:


Texarkana and LaurieB.Yes
Those are clearly not the tongue-ties of today - maybe I’m wrong again?
These days the; tongue pulled out a bit so that tie can be wrapped - I’ve grabbed tongue before, so I know: tie is wrapped ‘around’ the tongue, then fastened fairly tight to the jaw.

Laurie B. how can a flash ‘not’ impede, when it rests on edge of nasall bone ‘points,’ and flash attachment is 1/4" -1/2" below that and above where nostril cartilage starts?

I LOVE looking at the old photos too! Maybe photo was just/outlined “enhanced” to ‘show what he wore?’

Tongue tie old style - these leather ones were used exclusively until the 70s when someone discovered pantyhose legs made great ties that wouldn’t be so hard to do up to the correct tightness. https://www.bigdweb.com/product/tongue+tie+leather+stitched+buckle.do

It’s not. It’s on bone all the time unless someone did something super wonky with it. It does not impede breathing, it just keeps the mouth closed.

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OK! Thanks, Palm Beach. Sorry again - wonky eyes.
(hoping for eye surgery in future.)

Pardon me while I scream in horror.
‘eeEEEeeeooOWOoooOW’ :eek::eek::eek:

better the tongue tie than the horse getting the tongue over the bit or worse, sucking it back far enough to impede breathing,


I agree 100%
So why do ‘most’ GB & European, Phipps (Janney’s if they are still around) do not use them?
I NEVER said “no one ever used them!”
I am saying: EVERY one uses them NOW - they didn’t used do so! OK?
I am done. OK? You all win! OK?

Where do you come up with your information? I’ve never noticed that Phipps horses and Janney horses don’t wear tongue ties. I’ve only been around racing since 1980, but EVERY one used tongue ties back then. What is your reference point for your comments?

I don’t know about a flash not impeding air flow. It certainly can if placed too low. I’ve only seen that on an eventer tho, not in racing.

@Texarkana thanks for the links!

I just now realized on one of the descriptions I typed “flash” when I meant “figure 8.” I literally did not even notice until this second. It’s funny your fingers can type one thing but your eyes can read it as something completely different. :lol: Oh well.

So. can we QUIT this dead-thread now?

Not until you tell me all about the qh racing techniques that showed up.

PB, How about about YOU do a bit more research on the subject.
Actually a LOT more. TONS more. I am done with you;
I didn’t realize you were such perky racing know-it-all expert from 1980.
I bow down to your “38 years of racing wisdom.”
Now I am pretty sure we have TWISTED this thread into our own!
This is very rude, at this point.

IF you want to take this to p/m messages that is fine.
BUT. Ask others; privately, openly, or however.