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When you sell yourself yourself

I was referencing an above post. The OP didn’t mention contractual either. The above post did.

I stand by my statement.


This new board format makes it really hard sometimes to tell what post is being responded to. You said “this is why…” and I assumed you were talking about the situation in the original post because I didn’t see you quoting or responding to some OTHER post other than the original one. Which one were you trying to respond to, just so I can follow the logic of what you’re saying?

OP has provided no specific answer to what her boarding agreement does/doesn’t say but she has certainly intimated that there was a usual agreement with this trainer for 10% commission and she was hoping to be exempted from that usual agreement despite not having discussed it in advance. If she had no agreement whatsoever with her trainer, it seems odd that she would also have an expectation that the trainer would help her sell the horse. Did she expect the trainer to do that gratis out of the kindness of her own heart? The circumstances as described by the OP certainly suggest (even if she hasn’t outright stated it) that there was some standing agreement between her and the trainer whereby she expected the trainer to help sell the horse and in exchange, the OP would pay commission.


Agreed that the new format is not easy in regards to replies. I mentioned it to the mods, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do.

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It’s confusing and, if I am being honest, I hate this new format. I post much less because I find it clunky and annoying.


The easiest solution is to actually quote the part you are replying to.


Every time, I forget how. EVERY. TIME. It was intuitive on the old board. Not so much on this one (at least not for me).


Once you get used to it, it will be easy. It took me a bit too.

There are two basic ways that I use (and when in doubt read the great instructions in the technical help section of the forum.

Way number 1:
Hit the reply button in the lower right corner of the post you want to quote.

Then in the response window hit the quote button in he upper left (it looks like a cartoon talking bubble). That will put the whole quote in your response.

Way number 2:
Highlight the part of the post you want to quote and a box will pop-up in the upper left of what you highlighted that says quote. Pick that and it will put the things you highlighted in your response window.

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Very helpful but I PROMISE I will forget next time I want to do this, LOL


That is exactly how I am too! Laugh.


If you use the quote function, OR hit the “reply” tab under the post, it would be clearer :slight_smile: Not snarking, trying to help! If you hit the reply button on the post itself instead of just at the bottom of the thread, a little errr icon thing shows up on your post indicating which one you replied to, and if someone needs clarification to what you are posting about, they can click the icon and that post will actually appear in yours. It has been so helpful for me :slight_smile:

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Well crap I see someone did it and explained it better. HOWEVER I stand by the part where I say click the post’s reply button, not the thread’s reply button (like I did here for this post) and if you click it, my above post will appear in this post as well :slight_smile:

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The only down side to this is - when you reply directly under a post the system does not note that the reply is to the post above. Some developer assumed that this was obvious (clearly that developer was not part of a busy forum).


Back to the topic, I know trainers need to make money but reward is due where reward is earned. In the OP’s case, the trainer prepped the sale horse for potential buyers twice and then was available for the PPE. The trainer is due a commission (and 10 percent is low IMO). But as an ammie with a good eye, I know what I’m doing and would never sign a contract that required a commission to be given to a barn for any animal bought/sold. If a trainer helped, see above. If I bought a horse myself for myself? GTFOH. If I sold a horse myself, GTFOH. I have enough hands dipping into my pockets without adding that sort of BS. But I would guess that at @DawgLady’s barn, boarders are also required to be part of an active training program, so a trainer would be involved anyway, and trying to step outside of the program for anything would be one of those “I bought a horse I found myself after looking with my trainer for months, I had sent her the video and she dismissed it immediately but I did a trial ride anyway and loved it, just what I was looking for, the horses she was picking for me to try seemed more for her than me, so I bought this one and now she won’t train me and I’m getting cut out of shows etc” posts that we see from time to time.

Some people are okay with trainers running their barn lives, some aren’t. Some SHOULD have a trainer running their barn lives. This board is an example of a mixed group disagreeing because they belong to one of two groups, and both groups generally jumping on (cough “encouraging”) the third that they need a trainer before someone gets hurt :rofl:.

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Yeah that’s why you gotta hit the reply for that post, not the thread, then if someone gets confused they can click the name :slight_smile:

Yepper, this one.

Which I hit on your last post for this post (even though I did the screen shot of a post further up).

Edit to add:
You will see that there is no notification since the reply was to the post directly above it.

If I use that reply button on a post further up in the thread, that lovely feature you show will work. (I really like that feature too.)

Ohhhh… weird!

Very weird. It was discussed in one of the very long threads in the technical help section. That is the only reason I know about it. Not sure why someone thought that made sense but…

The OP should’ve just mentioned that first thing and the whole discussion would’ve been settled right away. This thread is a waste of time since she’s contractually obligated to pay a commission, which is ridiculous on its own (talking about how non-predatory these commissions are, right?!)…apparently some people have plenty of spare money and are in need of such arrangements Idk 🤦


Imagine if a conversation went something like this:

“Hey trainer! Do you have room for new boarders? My friend has a horse at her place that she wants me to look at this weekend that seems like a perfect project. My current horse is getting old so I plan to put this new one into your training program alongside Dobbin to eventually take over as my main show horse if I like him enough.”


boarder goes to friends house (alone) and tries horse and loves him

“Hi trainer, Fluffy is the perfect match for me! I got him for a steal! Can I bring him to your barn next week?”

“Sure! No problem! I will have the stall open and ready!”

boarder now has two horses in a full training program with said trainer

“Hi boarder! Here is your bill for last month!”

“Oh great! Thank yo- wait? What’s this 10% sales commission charge?”

“That’s for when you bought Fluffy. You owe me 10% per your boarding contract.”

“But you didn’t even lay eyes on him until he arrived at your barn after I already purchased him….”

“You owe me 10%.”

I know that’s not what the OP said, but some people think that trainer in this scenario would be well within their right demand a commission.

Maybe the 1% that participates in this sport is okay with this because they have more money than god, but this is absolute BS and only horse people would find ways to normalize getting paid thousands for not lifting a finger.


I suspect the kind of people who would not mind paying a commission under this fact pattern also would not trust themselves to choose the horse in the first place without the trainer riding it and taking it on a trial during which the horse was worked in the trainer’s program.