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Why do we need prescriptions for flea/heartworm meds?

We use what I call dog cheese… the cheap slices individually wrapped, they mold and meld perfectly around a pill.

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When my Std poodle was on a Lyme treatment I had to cheat her: I set up things as if I were eating myself, then we would “share” my snack: little pieces of bread+peanut butter for her and for me, interspersed with bread+peanut butter+ (deftly added so she couldn’t see it) pill for her. It’s the only thing that worked.


That is a really good idea! Especially since so many antibiotic pills in particular have such an astringent smell, they’re probably pretty bitter going down. With my dog, I’d try to get them compounded as bubble gum or vanilla flavor in a liquid. But I know that a pill is more reliable for correct dosing.

The ABs we used one of the first times we treated for Lyme were enteric coated, Mr Picky ate them in his grain.

PSA: Yesterday I learned that CostCo’s pharmacy carried pet meds including prescription flea/heartworm.