Why Must She Always Lead?

My girl walks faster than most other horses. She’s just happier in front. So that’s were I usually put her.

IMHO it has NOTHING to do with them being a mare/bossy/alpha/fast walker or “likes” being first…MOST horses would prefer to be up front because of their primitive instinct to stay in the front of the herd when moving on because only the horses in the back get eaten by the predators!! They think predators must be chasing them if they have to go on especially if they can’t SEE them. So they must be back there somewhere and they think they should move on faster than the others. Fast walkers are often the most scared or anxious ones. And often the riders think their horse should be first because of this or that when really they haven’t TRAINED their horses to take an assigned place in line. And the rider doesn’t wanna deal with it. Lesson learned is that we all must train ours to go where WE tell them, when WE tell them and at the pace WE tell them. Making excuses is showing poor horsemanship. Come on, not EVERYBODY can be first!!! We all have to take turns! It takes time, practice, and mileage, mileage, mileage. Trail riding requires the same training other disciplines do. Some times it’s common sense ie: a tall horse has a long stride and may need to lead the pony. Teach your horse not to run up on the horse in front of them. Teach them to trot side by side or canter without racing. Teach them faster pace doesn’t mean scary. It’s training and NONE of it can be done from the ground. It has to be done out there! With company. Find ssome similar minded riders willing to work with you. And good luck!

I think most riders like being up front because it’s the only spot where you don’t have everyone else’s rear-end in your view. Most horses like being up front because it’s safe.

But, it’s our job as polite riders to teach our horses to ride in any spot in line. Sounds like you’re making great progress with this, OP! I think the “leapfrog” game is one of the best for teaching a horse to be OK in any position in line.

Or like people who always have to go first in life you know the types in traffic! … hahaha go trail riding where there’s little action and then ‘they’ can clear the cobwebs out!

It’s training as has been said. I had a young one I started and the experienced trail person I was out with gave him a graduation certificate the first time that he comfortably lingered behind the pack, and for sniffing the trail.

I also use wiser horses to stand and body block a beginner from bolting over water crossings. Need to teach them to slow down and watch their footing.