why stand up when horse pees?

I do the lean forward thing, if anything to make myself feel comfortable. My girls stand on their hind toes when they pee so I just feel better putting my weight in the front and off of their backs.

I have one mare who will run you into the bushes on the side of the trail until she finds a spot to pee. My other mare just goes any where but lately i’ve noticed she has been picking some odd spots most where she is standing on a hill.

Please avoid the personal/“pissy” commentary when discussing different ideas concerning this question. :wink:

Mod 1

I vote for “stand up” for whizzing. And I want a tee shirt too.

I was taught by my uncle and by our english riding instructor when I was a small child to stand up.

My mare altho always in season, never whizzed under saddle, in fact, once tacked up she was all business and wouldn’t think of flirting with the boys in the ring. Ex race horse, 3 yrs on the track, all business girl.

My gelding also has never whizzed under saddle.

Both always manured before we started, in the crossties, so that they only had to manure in the ring if we rode a long time. haha, like they would have to work more than an hour at a time.

At shows, Cloudy manured outside the ring, and whizzed in his stall between classes.

Horses like dogs can be trained to manure before they work. At one barn, Cloudy would run around his paddock when I drove up, and whizz before I got him out of the paddock. Callie was ridden 2nd, so she had an hour or more to “get ready”.

So is this like the barefoot-shoe threads?:winkgrin:

Until now I never heard of it. :lol::lol:

I, too, stand in two point to make the trainer happy. I’m not convinced it does anything to the horse. I suppose it might, in an arena situation, signal to the judges that you cannot start your round yet.

Resurrecting a 10 year old thread?

Oh, wow, I got sucked in to that one. Is it April 1st?

This is during the time Thomas was on line - I actualy missed that cranky old fella.

When you are told as a little kid to stand in the stirrups, then I guess we do so for ever…

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Funny what were taught as kids. I used to do this until I realized it didn’t make a difference.

I’m an engineer and agree…especially as our COM stays relatively the same when standing and leaning forward in the stirrups. Would love to see a good vector diagram of the many things us equestrians do :slight_smile: