Gorgeous boy, and look at that kind, soft eye!
I love that photo!
OP, do you have any “ before” pictures back when you first got him?
He is certainly a great “ glow up” example and should join that group. It is great encouragement for many readers.
I do! See below for the listing photo that made me fall in love with him! I think it was taken a month, maybe a little more, before I got him, and he was definitely a bit ribbier when I brought him home, but those ears!!
He has a kind eye.
I do literature and music names. My first OTTB was Merchant of Venice. My second was Don’t Think Twice (Dylan). My Cardigan Welsh corgi is Rolling in the Deep (Adele). And my other Cardi is Sally Sparrow (from Doctor Who).
I like your themes. I’ve done that a lot, too. I had a horse showing under the name Dance the Tides (from old Garth Brooks song), though most often I do not rename horses. He just had an awful JC name) and dogs almost always named after characters. Two cats named Buffy and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spy, (kitty) short for Spivey from Dances with Wolves, Wally (kitty) after William Wallace in Braveheart, Gracie (kitty) from Will & Grace, dogs Zukey (Danny Zuko in Grease), Leo (King Leonidas in 300), Juju (from the old Tarzan tv shows, bad Juju, haha).
Two current cats are Khaleesi and Princess Irulan (Dune)… Previous cats were all named after female sci fi characters. Like having a theme going.