Will it always be this hard? Adult ammy and her OTTB woes

Oh my goodness, the ears! :heart:

Ya know, he has a really nice canter, glad you are finally getting to enjoy it. Congrats!


You guys are looking awesome!

Me again with another update! This past weekend we hopped into the final show of the year – just a local schooling one. It was mostly good – in an extremely competitive class under saddle class we managed to snag a 3rd in the Hunters and 2nd in Equitation. He got around every course SO quietly, a huge victory, though we still did a bunch of simple changes and in my anxiety, continued to jump ahead. I also need to learn how to not look (or at least not so obviously) to confirm the leads!

Overall, relatively normal adult ammy issues and fixable with time, patience, and shorter stirrups. I’m genuinely thrilled with how the show went and am setting my sights on our first rated show in 2025. Even if we’re doing simple changes in the long stirrup, it will be a good (and totally new) experience for us both.

Anyway, enjoy some photos and watch a round here – kind advice on the above is always appreciated too lol. It’s crazy how far we’ve come!!


Well done! I love that bottom pic, it looks like you are smooching him and he is sticking his tongue out. So cute. I love the long and low way that tb’s travel. So elegant, so efficient. A question - it looks like a hollow with a bump underneath on his forehead, what is that from?


Great question! Not a hollow at all, or a bump, he has a whorl there and the lighting is just making it look wonky


Congratulations! What a great way to end the year!

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You two look great! Congrats!

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You look great! Very safe, very quiet and your horse is adorable. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I just want to point out that your left-to-right change is right there. Seriously. It’ll come very easily when you’re ready.


What a GOOD BOY! That canter :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: And yes, that bottom pic needs to be saved for all posterity. Those moments (with or without the ribbons) are why we do this!


Just read this entire thread and wow, what a story! you two make such a lovely pair, so glad you found the right trainer and congrats on your recent success!


Lot’s of tears have been shed! It’s so funny, it’s actually hard not to get emotional after a good horse show because it feels like we have done SO much and just gotten through a ton. The progress in the last six months or so has been just insane!


I NEVER got a flying change of lead with my Knick-Knack (horse in the avatar). However, while going over a jump, I would squeeze the rein for the direction I needed to go. Voila!
Got the correct lead Every Single Time when we landed. :grin:


You look great and hes a very handsome fellow. Congratulations.

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I am so delighted for you!! Congratulations on finding what works and absolutely killing your shows!!

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Thank you everyone! We have now turned our sights to our FIRST EVER RATED SHOW (as a pair and my own first, too) in about three weeks. Send us good vibes and tips haha


Aww I loved it. You guys looked so rhythmic and relaxed! What a cool venue too! where is it?

And congrats!

We are based out of Austin, Texas. This venue is just our local expo center :slight_smile: Next show we’ll be at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center!


I’m sending good, good, good, good vibrations :notes:

Looking forward to an update on your show. Good luck and happy riding!


Sorry, didn’t get to see that video until now. VERY nice. What few improvements are needed are overshadowed by all the positives and will just about improve themselves. The flying lead changes will seemingly happen on their own when he’s ready.

Particularly like the subtleness of your ride. Cannot see you doing anything but sitting there and see no resistance from the horse, just a pleasant trip around the course with almost no interruption in rhythm even from those ( very nicely executed and correct) simple changes.

I like your choice of the double reined pelham on him, allows for very minimal hand movement. Over all you are close to the invisible ride that Hunter judges love to see.

Keep up the hard work…and watch your own video here to keep from getting discouraged when you hit snags. It is there. All the parts and pieces of a good Hunter pair, just need to put them together. And they should fit together just about perfectly.

And here you went through all that angst when nobody showed up to buy him… :wink: