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Working Equitation?

Ive been meaning to get a response to this and we were out of town for a few nights then a few days of chaos!

Last Saturday I went as a volunteer to my first Working Eq show. We have a local group that has been able to organize USAWE shows at a facility that is an hour haul from my barn which is amazing. I got to meet all the people involved and see how the shows are run. Also got to meet another Fjord that was showing at L3!

It was super helpful to go and watch! Not having been there, I probably would have started at intro, but being there and watching the different levels at EOH, I think we will be well ready for L1 next year. I’ve not shown rated shows with lots of rules so this was a good first step on that end too haha. And ALL the people I met were wonderful, it was a great show atmosphere. I am really excited to get signed up with USAWE in 2023 and find out when they get the clinics, schooling shows, and rated shows scheduled for the year. Right now, they are unable to hold the cattle trial at the facility, so I’m not sure that how plays into things, but a great place that is close to home to get started!!

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It’s fun to come back to this thread. We have a little spot carved out locally with some hefty expertise in the discipline. I went to my first clinic this weekend, have two shows coming up in June, another clinic then two shows in august.

This was a clip of our first full ease of handling course; collecting (successfully) our second bull ring. Then it was over a bridge to deposit the garrocha pole! We will just be doing L1 this year since our canter is still pretty green. If I can keep the rules straight and figure out a good route with the ease of handling courses, my guy loves doing it! We did a speed round for fun with the same obstacle set up and that was a blast!


The various entities who were bickering for control of WE in the US have finally arrived at a cease fire and formed USAWE and have gotten the US Protocol from the international governing entity WAWE.

You can search USAWE for rules, competitions, trainers, etc.

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The hosts of the clinic are a soon to be certified USAWE judge and a USAWE coach that was an L4 level champion amongst a bunch of other WE accolades. They were talking about this with the group and seemed quite excited that it happened. I got the impression they were close to or involved in the changes.

I’ve gone to the USAWE site for a couple years now to learn; the difference now that the US is formally recognized by WAWE and are now under how they operate? I don’t know too much about the history.

We had our first rated USAWE show this weekend. My little super fjord tried his heart out! We won our L1 division both days; dressage 62.9 and EOH 66.3 day one and day two dressage 65.1 and EOH 69.7. Day two we had the highest overall score (pros and ammys all levels) and qualified for zone championships :heart_eyes:

I don’t know if we’ll go to zones or not, but we have shows 3 and 4 in our series that I’m very much looking forward to in August.

Such a fun sport!!


Thank you for letting all of us be part of your accomplishments, as followers of such an accomplished pair as both of you are.

What a terrific set of horns on that longhorn.
Our neighbor had one almost as big, Pancho, that had to turn his head to fit in a standard 5’ wide stock trailer.


Thank you! It’s cool looking back when I started this thread and not realizing that I would be in an area that has a growing interest. I didn’t feel like our EOH was that much smoother than yesterday’s ride but he really enjoys it which I think helps. Our biggest issue is backing straight and with willingness, he’s hit or miss on both but it’s something we’re working on. Truly bending and having consistent contact is coming along too but also intermittent. Lots to work on :grin:

Those horns were epic. Charlie’s seen cattle before but nothing like that. When it walked up to us, Charlie did a tuck and turn LOL and I don’t quite think I can blame him! He did relax and watch them all for a while so it was really good exposure for him with that.

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Appreciate the updates on this topic. There is a WE group in my state, but most of the members, clinics and trainers are concentrated around Phoenix and that’s a long slog for me.

Still, it’s something I look forward to exploring eventually. Dabbled in it with my last horse. Even set up much of the obstacles for practice.

@FjordBCRF You look like a pro!


It really is a lot of fun. I don’t have any other rated show experience, but the people that are showing in my zone are all really nice and seem to really have a good time with it. It’s not stuffy at all that I’ve felt. There are so many rules and ways to DQ yourself with EOH and Speed that even people who have been doing it for years get tripped up every now and then. Everyone is happy to answer questions or point out things on courses so it’s a nice community to be a part of.

We’ve been working really hard on things and that really came together this weekend! I would have been happy with all my rides, scores/placing aside, so it was a bonus how competitive we ended up being.

@Paint_Party (or anyone interested) if you get the chance to do any clinics, even just auditing, or go watch some shows if they are farther away, I found that really really helpful and a good way to meet those more involved! I would have been lost just showing up at a show not having gone to volunteer at show and attended the clinic I did in May.

I think our local ranch show the Sunday before was a perfect warm up for it too!!

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I am doing my first working eq clinic on Saturday! I’m so excited! My dressage trainer mentioned the height of my horse (over 17 hands) may make some obstacles challenging but we’ll see. He’s a good boy when I need to lean over to do a gate or drop a jacket on the railing.


@Zevida That’s awesome, you are going to have a blast!

Some of the larger horses are at a bit of a disadvantage than a stout little fjord but not impossible by any means. However, everything has very specific size requirements, the gate has to be Height: 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in.) min. Width: 2 m (6.5 ft) min. So if nothing else, you can build something to size to work with at home.

You also have to be careful with the bell corridor with the tall ones too…I’ve talked to a couple people that have had the horses ring the bell for them :joy:…heck…my fjord hit the string on the bell during our ride Sunday :woman_facepalming:t2:

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I am loving my Working Eq journey, even though I am now horseless!

This handsome boy is helping me overcome my sadness, part leasing him for a while, which is such a joy, he has showed up to level 4 with his owner, my coach. He, however, does not perform automatically, if I don’t ask the right questions he won’t give me the right answers.

Yesterday we rode in a play day, and we had some beautiful moments of harmony, including the best dressage test I have ever ridden I think. Hope we can repeat that in 5 weeks at our first rated show this year. The obstacles, well we’re getting there, can complete them no problem, now working on finesse and good scores.

Got heck for this, how to score poorly completing the gate :grinning:



If anyone in SoCal is interested in attending a working equitation show, Santa Cruz Island Horses is hosting a show at El Campeon Farms July 7-9. Hopefully VSV is resolved by that time and the show doesn’t get cancelled.


At least you got it! I’m always worried with the rope gates I’m going to drop the rope! Our gate this weekend was solid; the wind was blowing it into all the horses so that was a little extra of a challenge :crazy_face:

That suddenly really became clear yesterday. I was playing with the obstacles left up from the playday, and suddenly “got it” Braam and I need more space than some of the handy ponies, so I’m going to own that space. The double slalom? Make those turns BIG, keep going forward, own it. Barrels? Big even turns, be even, but be BIG!

Now if o can quit knocking over the jump standard while doing the rope gate I’ll be happy!

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I got to do a WE clinic last weekend, a local barn hosted one. It was SO FUN. The lady that organized it is trying to bring it to our area (North AL), hopefully we can get that to happen. I’d love to try an actual show, even if it’s just a schooling show, without having to haul a ways.

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Well, there’s a thing!

Seems that the next show, in 3 weeks, I am entering Novice A rather than my usual Intro, that means LOPING!

Lol, that’s what you get for getting someone to record this for you

Looking forward to it, strangely, after being stuck in a rut for a couple of years I’m now bored being a walk trot rider, now I want to lope!

Funny though, the videos don’t look as good as it feels, so time to work in it, and look to showing him off to his best!


Look at you with the neck reining and turning! Fabulous and both you and the horse look relaxed and confident. So happy for you!

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I love it!! I’m hoping our canter will be there for next year to move up :grin:

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Lol, I haven’t felt this good in the saddle for ages, and I love the combination of Dressage and trail that WE gives us. I used to do Western Dressage, but always had some unease about it, in some ways, this just feels good.