I’ll share more of my thought process:
Boarding: would require virtually zero investment to start, with the exception of making sure I’m properly insured and legal. Otherwise, I could post on the local FB groups and have boarders relatively quickly. It would change very little about my day in/day out routine. But… ya know… BOARDERS. I’m not sure I want my peace disrupted on a regular basis. Plus, while it would be a nice chunk of change to offset the expense of horse things around the farm, once you factor in my costs as the barn owner, boarding is lucky to even break even.
Lessons: I could also post on my local FB group and be off the ground very quickly (again, making sure I’m legal and insured). There are a lot of good things about giving lessons and I enjoy it, but I’m worried about burning myself out because it is pretty labor intensive for me. Plus, I’d be directly competing with some of my friends and neighbors, and while I’m free to do what I want, that does worry me a little.
Short-term rentals: good mix of mostly “passive” income without a ton of expense… except… the apartment does need some renovations to get started. Would it be worth the investment? And do I want total strangers staying on my property?
So that’s where my head is on all this.
There are some great ideas on this thread for option D. Some I’ve considered. But, for example, my black thumb would be no use growing any sort of crop or plant to sell. I already have a couple other non-horse side gigs, I’m strictly thinking of ways the farm can help pay for itself at the moment.