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Young horse chews everything - including leg wraps lol

Hard to do if you’re away at a show.


Agree 100% with this, except the venue we’re attending this weekend for instance doesn’t have turnout.


Yep exactly. Also, bell boots and fly masks as well! Lol


We used to put Tabasco on everything we didn’t want my sister’s horse to crib off of, which was very effective… until we discovered that my horse really liked Tabasco and would stick his head in the other horse’s stall to lick it off.

So that might work. Or it really might not.

My sympathies. I had my horse on trial when I caught him trying to eat clipper blades he pulled off a shelf. That would have been a fun insurance claim on a horse I didn’t even own yet.

I have a baby that does for the fun of getting more attention. I have heard of cutting the bottoms of of taller socks and slipping them over the rap

Have you tried compression socks? https://www.ridingwarehouse.com/Equi_Flexsleeve_Horse_Compression_Socks/descpage-EFS.html