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Young prospect who had kissing spine surgery - am I insane to consider?

I love these kinds of success stories <3

You’re making the right call not to report this to the breeder. It’s not enough of a thing to get involved with IMHO. And there’s really no point in trying to guess someone’s motivation. You’ll never know. Let the seller and breeder do their thing and onward and upward for you, OP.


You have been very fair here. I find her evaluation of your riding abilities very off putting as well.


Kissing spine owner here. I would not write her off right away tbh. I would definitely want to see before and after x-rays and would palpate for soreness. But the point of kissing spine surgery is to cure the issue. Because it sounds like they caught it early and the horse is young and apparently sound now, I would at least check her out. My horse finally had the surgery 6 years after diagnosis because both of my local vets didn’t think he would be a good candidate for surgery and I thought it was way more expensive than it actually was. My biggest regret is waiting that long as I did. But I’ve seen many success cases so this could be an opportunity to get a discounted nice horse. Just do your research on her.

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