1/2 acre of bamboo — fencing ideas?

“We’re going the chop and drench in herbicides route. I’m prepared for it to take a solid 2yrs before it’s gone and another 1-2 years after that before grass comes in. We’ll see!”

This sounds like Japanese Knotweed. It is horrible stuff, highly invasive, strong enough to break concrete in both roads and foundations. Contact your local Extension office or Conservation District for assistance.

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We have bamboo that we slowly shaped into a hedge. It dies back ( Northeast) every winter and in spring grows back. I think it grows 6-8" a day in late spring. We have to cut it down to keep it to 5’ high and 3’ wide - it would take over our backyard if it wasn’t mowed 2x week in summer. And we have been doing this for 20 yrs (We knew nothing about bamboo) Property was invaded with it when we bought. Its miserable stuff.

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