We have a ton of invasive bamboo that we’ve started removing. It has been allowed to run wild for at least 20 years and is covering an estimated 1/2 acre.
I just learned that people will use bamboo for privacy fences and I’m now wondering… would it be bananas to use some of it for a round pen? Like use wooden posts as you would a normal fence but instead of boards, use dried bamboo. My concerns would be it splintering pretty easily in the event a horse runs into it. A horse would not be left in the round pen unsupervised.
Our backyard is fenced with horrid old chainlink that’s falling down in some spots. I’m pretty sure we’d have more than enough bamboo to refence the backyard and have some leftover for other projects.
I’m not against just getting rid of it but there is truly so much that I would like to repurpose at least some of it.