13 year old with possible torn meniscus/hamstring strain

I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for a girl and her horse if she can’t ride because of a knee injury. Still waiting on MRI to confirm, but her knee starts hurting just riding at a walk in a small barn. Doc suspects meniscus tear or hamstring strain. Is there anything she can do with her horse? We live far away from anyone who could ride the horse for her. It’s frustrating her not to be able to anything. Thanks for any info.

Lunge it. Turn it out.

Unfortunately I would ban her from the saddle until this gets fixed. You don’t want it getting worse. I have been out for almost a year with minimal riding and absolutely no riding the past 4 months. It sucks but it’s what needs to be done. I enjoy hanging out with my horse and taking care of him.

Have her do something other than ride - like just enjoying being able to be 13 and own a horse. Brushing, Grazing, have someone else lunge it or hand walk it having her turn around and walk in small circles while lunging herself is a BAD idea. Do not let her ride, because she could exacerbate the problem… if she doesn’t know how to do things like braiding, let her take some time to perfect that.

I’d also have her take it easy getting back into it, even if they find nothing on an MRI. MRIs are NOT the end all, be all, and don’t get everything - ask me how I know… If she is still feeling pain beyond what ETA a doctor gives you, go see another doctor.

I’ve had two surgeries since April 2015 for my knee. The first for a meniscus tear and the second for torn cartilage under the knee cap. I have “ridden” at a walk on a lunge line maybe 3-4 times since February 2015. Knee injuries, specifically meniscus injuries really differ from person to person. For now, let her take it easy and realize horse ownership is more than just riding and make this an opportunity to let her explore that more.

I shattered by collar bone when I was 12 and was forced out of the saddle. I couldn’t even BE around horses, I just remember binge watching The Saddle Club.

Currently I’m out with something similar to your daughter, absolutely NO riding but I go out everyday and groom him. It’s been about a year (I have hopped in the saddle on a few occasions, of which I have regretted). Spending this time on the ground with my horse has been such a blessing. Grooming him and grazing him by hand, we’ve bonded like I never thought possible. He’s always been my soul horse, but this time on the ground with him, I wouldn’t change a thing.

It took some getting used to. I was very competitive on the A Circuit H/J scene. Riding and competing were my life. To take a step back and for him to just be a horse for a while and me just be someone who loves him… priceless and worth being injured in the end.