17H 18yr. KWPN bay gelding -Thurmont, MD

Passing this on…this email was sent Sun, Nov. 28th…anyone that can help PM me. I have her email and phone #…


My name is Anna Jaffe. I sold a horse named Scotty into what I thought was a for-life home and this Friday learned the lady sold him at Thurmont auction. He is a 17h KWPN warmblood who chokes on hay and grain (he has a diverticula in his throat), is very handsome and can be tough to get on. I have tracked him from the auction through a number of people and am now at a dead end sitting in a hotel on the eastern shore. All I believe I know is that he is somewhere in MD. I love this horse more than anything and want to know he is happy and safe. If you could take a few minutes to see whether he is in your barn I would really appreciate it.

I am attaching a number of pictures of him from this spring just before I sold him, one jumping photo and one photo from the winter since he is darker with a full coat which should be growing in now. I really appreciate all of your help trying to find him. He is incredibly special and also pretty special needs in his care.

Scotty’s details:

Scotty’s show name is Furstlove. He is a 17h, 18yr old bay KWPN gelding. He has a white stripe and star as well as four white socks. He can be tough to get on if he does not like you as he was abused before I got him. He chokes on grass longer than about 2", grain and hay (though he can eat baby carrots and peppermints, I had him on triple crown complete soaked for 6 hrs). He also chokes on shavings and needs to be bedded on peat moss. He has a quarter crack on the inside of one of his front feet (though I can’t remember which one this second) and some little bumps on the inside of his right hind from getting cast about 10 years ago. He is super sweet, will follow you with his eyes in the barn and come when you call him. He has a lot of suspension in his trot when turned out. He may have come with an NJPHA cooler.

If you know where he might be and could let me know I would really appreciate it. Please also share my details with his current owner. I had him for ten years and really want to share his history with his current person, make sure he is in good hands and be sure that if he ever needs a good home I a
