1988 TB in VA: Butterfly's Isle

I know this is a longshot search, but since there was a forum for it, I thought I’d try. I’m curious to see if anyone knows anything about a TB gelding my family owned years ago. About 15.2 or 15.3H. Seal brown/bay w/ star and snip, roan-ish “smudge” on one side of his forehead and matching one on opposite shoulder. Also had three thin white bars across his croup, pencil thin about 2 in long. Lastly, I know he had a mark inside his bottom lip, like a mole or a burn about the size of a dime.

We sold him in November 1996 at the sale in Marshall, VA and know he went through the Front Royal sale about 3 mos later. We did actually get a phone call years later about him, but my then-teenage brother didn’t get a name and they never called back. I’m just hoping he found a good home eventually.

If anyone has any info, feel free to PM me or use the email address in my profile. Thanks a ton in advance!